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Learn More - AGU Governance Changes

Changes in deep tremor activity preceded the 2004 Parkfield earthquake
Any change in seismic activity that precedes earthquakes could potentially be useful in predicting them.

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Double genius
Two AGU members have been awarded MacArthur fellowships (“genius grants”): Peter Huybers, a climate scientist at Harvard University and a recipient of the 2009 AGU Macelwane Medal, and Daniel Sigman, a biogeochemist at Princeton University and an AGU Fellow.

Peter Hyubers
Peter Huybers
Daniel Sigman
Daniel Sigman

Tomorrow's AGU: Building a foundation for good governance
In May, the AGU Council voted unanimously to create a 16-member board of directors to oversee the business of the Union, and to expand the Council beyond section leadership to include focus group and committee leaders concentrating on matters of science and related Union activities such as AGU publications, meetings, and awards and honors. This fall, the AGU membership will be asked to vote on these important changes.

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Upcoming Meetings — Deadlines

Abstract submissions for the AGU Chapman Conference on Complexity and Extreme Events in Geosciences has been extended until 23 October 2009.

2009 Fall Meeting
2009 Fall Meeting

14–18 December, San Francisco, CA, USA

2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting
2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting

22–26 February 2010, Portland, Oregon

15 Oct — Abstract Submissions
15 Oct — Town Hall Submissions

2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting
2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting

22–25 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan

Session Proposals will be open from late August through late October 2009

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