White Light Corona
(700-950 nm)
Hydrogen Alpha Disk
(656.3 nm)
Helium I Line
(1083 nm)
Calcium II K Line
(393 nm)


The images above represent data from the instruments at the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory.

Topics in HAO

HAO in the News:

Sunspots Revealed in Striking Detail by Supercomputers—also see mention in NSF 2009 Newletter.

Connecting the Upper and Lower Atmosphere—
An experimental modeling study by a team of scientists that includes HAO’s Hanli Liu...

Journey to the Stars at AMNH—
...new planetarium program "Journey to the Stars" at the Hayden Planetarium of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in NY City.

Sun & Space Weather—
NCAR highlighted topics...

HAO Summer Visitors:

David Alexander—

David Alexander is a Faculty Fellow at ESSL/HAO visiting for the summer from Rice University in Houston, Texas where he is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy. His main area of research is solar physics with a particular focus on solar flares, coronal mass ejections, prominences, and sunspots. For his work on solar flares, David was awarded a Presidential Early Career Award in 2004.
> more...


HAO Staff Spotlights:

Steven Tomczyk

NSF has selected NCAR's "Highlight" featuring Steven Tomczyk's Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter instrument, or CoMP, to be included on the new Science and Innovation website which will be launched in late fall of 2009. It is a dynamic new public website that highlights the outcomes of NSF-funded projects across the nation and around the world. The “Science and Innovation” website will inform public policy-makers, educators, researchers, and the general public about the important results and impacts of NSF’s investments. >2004highlight