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The standard conditions for downloading from the Web or the FTP server for repackaging and/or re-distribution are:

  • the Bureau of Meteorology should be identified as the source of the information
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Observations In addition to the summary observations on the free part of the Web, all current Australian observations are available via FTP and/or Web as a subscription service. The data sets have been established for the express purpose of facilitating plotting for web or other graphical displays and therefore include latitude and longitude.

Other Registered User Subscription Products Secondary distribution of other subscription products requires a formal agreement Further Details for Access to Bureau of Meteorology Information More information on access and use of Bureau of Meteorology products and services is set out in the Access Regime.


The satellite images available via the Bureau web site are obtained from non-Bureau sources. The satellite images may be from GMS-5 (old imagery); the GOES-9 satellite (the backup satellite for GMS-5); or the MTSAT-1R and are provided with the permission of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the United States National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

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If the imagery if from GOES-9, then the acknowledgement is: "GOES-9 : Satellite image originally processed by the Bureau of Meteorology from the geostationary GOES-9 operated by the National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the Japan Meteorological Agency."

If the imagery is from MTSAT-1R, then the acknowledgement is: "MTSAT-1R : Satellite image originally processed by the Bureau of Meteorology from the geostationary satellite MTSAT-1R operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency."


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© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2009, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532)
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