Expedition 21 Crew Launches From Kazakhstan, Due at Station Friday

A Soyuz rocket launched Flight Engineers Jeff Williams and Maxim Suraev, along with spaceflight participant Guy Laliberté, to the ISS. › Space Station Section | › Expedition 21 | › Jeff Williams' Blog | › Flickr Photos →

MESSENGER Spacecraft Flies by Mercury

MESSENGER flew by Mercury for the third and final time Sept. 29, 2009. The spacecraft passed less than 142 miles above the planet's rocky surface enabling it to enter orbit in 2011. › MESSENGER Section

LCROSS Mission Changes Target Crater for Oct. 9 Impact

Based on new analysis of available lunar data, Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) has shifted the target crater from Cabeus A to Cabeus (proper). › LCROSS Section | › Local LCROSS Impact Events

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