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  1. @IsCool Ditto. Thanks for sharing all those great tools. 1/2 the battle is Twitter mgmt. #IAR #p2
  2. RT @LisaMaatz A Paycheck Fairness Act kinda day! Got thru leading coalition strategy call, met w/co-lead sponsor Mikulski staff earlier #PFA
  3. RT @LisaMaatz no no no no no || RT @politico Justice Ginsburg hospitalized
  4. Baby Spice to Burkas
  5. “I enjoyed the opportunity to help plan @NCCWSL” - 08-09 SAC member. Apply for 09-10 SAC today!
  6. RT @LisaMaatz It's a Paycheck Fairness Act kinda day! led coalition strategy call, met w/co-lead sponsor Mikulski staff earlier #PFA
  7. Another Crack in the Brass Ceiling:
  8. AAUW Executive Director, Linda D. Hallman, has blog post published on!
  9. RT @LisaMaatz: Another Crack in Brass Ceiling: @LindaHallman latest blog 4 More Magazine abt 1st wmn drill sargent cmder
  10. RT @LisaMaatz: AAUW does not endorse candidates but we're always happy 2C women run! RT @GenderParityUSA: @WomenforCoakley now on Twitter
  11. via @LisaMaatz: AAUW ME B'fast of Champions: 10/6:Presque Isle; 10/7:Bangor; 10/8:Portland;
  12. Another Crack in the Brass Ceiling - #AAUW Exec Dir, Linda Hallman, has blog post published on! @moremag
  13. @DVSAS Thanks for the mention re: sexual assault stats - it's a very serious and pervasive prob.
  14. RT @LisaMaatz: Hill mtgs w/Sens Carper & Rockefeller abt Paycheck Fairness; neither's cospon but should B-Call 202/224-3121 & urge support
  15. Thanks for RTs & Mentions! @kklausser @christytj @vanessacmueller @susantrabucchi @hkearl @egytweets
  16. RT @LisaMaatz: RT @WomenEmployed W/more adults like these going back 2 college, investing in ed system more imp than ever
  17. RT @hkearl Network w/student leaders nationwide; join the 09-10 @AAUW student advisory council. Apps due 9/30
  18. RT @hkearl "talk to me baby spice." my @aauw coworker blogs about a recent trip to egypt & street harassment
  19. The PCDC Twitter workshop was great! Thanks to all the panelists. #iar
  20. Sens Carper & Rockefeller need to cospon Paycheck Fairness Act call 202/224-3121 & urge support.