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132. My Fellow Americans
5 months ago
124. President Obama on the Necessity of Science
5 months ago
120. Seeing Green in Iowa
5 months ago
116. A Call to Serve
5 months ago
112. At CIA Headquarters
5 months ago
Speaking at the National Academy of Sciences, the President gave assurances on swine flu, tied it to the need for a sustained national commitment to science, and made that commitment. (public domain)



  • mike ambs ☂ plus 5 months ago
    This was very inspiration to watch - and it felt great to see so many aggressive goals being laid out for our future :)
  • Bob6stringer 5 months ago
    Good stuff. We must invest in the future even in a crisis (as so well cited in the intro's Lincoln citation). It seems our professor-in-chief isn't all talk; lots of action coming from him. This will be a president whose speeches, bound in hardcover, may be bestsellers 100 years from now. IF, that is, he succeeds.
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