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Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases

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Status: Prepublication Available

Size: 340 pages, 6 x 9

Publication Year:2009

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ISBN-10: 0-309-14491-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-309-14491-9
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ISBN-10: 0-309-13734-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-309-13734-8
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Gerald T. Keusch, Marguerite Pappaioanou, Mila C. Gonzalez, Kimberly A. Scott, and Peggy Tsai, Editors; Committee on Achieving Sustainable Global Capacity for Surveillance and Response to Emerging Diseases of Zoonotic Origin; National Research Council
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H1N1 ("swine flu"), SARS, mad cow disease, and HIV/AIDS are a few examples of zoonotic diseases--diseases transmitted between humans and animals. Emerging zoonoses are a growing concern given multiple factors, including an increase in zoonotic disease outbreaks, their often novel ...
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H1N1 ("swine flu"), SARS, mad cow disease, and HIV/AIDS are a few examples of zoonotic diseases--diseases transmitted between humans and animals. Emerging zoonoses are a growing concern given multiple factors, including an increase in zoonotic disease outbreaks, their often novel and unpredictable nature, their ability to emerge anywhere and spread rapidly around the globe, and the major economic toll they can take on many disparate industries.

Infectious disease surveillance systems are intended to combat this threat. By systematically collecting data on the occurrence of infectious diseases in humans and animals, investigators can track the spread of disease and provide an early warning to human and animal health officials nationally and internationally for follow-up and response. Unfortunately, and for many reasons, current disease surveillance systems can be ineffective or untimely in alerting officials to newly emerging zoonotic diseases.

Sustaining Global Surveillance and Response to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases assesses disease surveillance systems around the world, and recommends ways to improve early detection and response. The book presents solutions for coordination between different surveillance systems, different governments, and different international organizations.

Parties seeking to improve the detection and response to zoonotic diseases--including U.S. government and international health policymakers, researchers, epidemiologists, and veterinarians--will use this book to help curtail the threat zoonotic diseases pose to economies, societies, and global health.

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