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Market Access Program (MAP)
December 2008

The Market Access Program (MAP) uses funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to aid in the creation, expansion, and maintenance of foreign markets for U.S. agricultural products. The MAP is authorized by Section 203 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, and is administered by the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).

The MAP forms a partnership between non-profit U.S. agricultural trade associations, U.S. agricultural cooperatives, non-profit state-regional trade groups, small U.S. businesses, and USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation to share the costs of overseas marketing and promotional activities such as consumer promotions, market research, trade shows, and trade servicing.

How the program benefits U.S. agriculture: Each year, MAP helps launch and expand sales of U.S. agricultural, fish, and forest products overseas. Rural American farmers and ranchers, as the primary suppliers of commodities, benefit from MAP. All regions of the country benefit from the program's employment and economic effects from expanded agricultural export markets.

How the program works: The MAP uses funds from the USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation to partially reimburse program participants for foreign market promotion activities.

Beginning with implementation of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of

2002 (FSRIA), funding for the MAP program will rise from $100 million in FY 2002 progressively up to $200 million by FY 2006. For all funding above $90 million: (1) past program participants, as well as new participants, will receive equal consideration for projects; and (2) proposals for activities in emerging markets, as well as all other markets, will be given equal consideration.

Each year, USDA announces an application period for participation in the MAP, publishing it in the Federal Register. Trade organizations and private firms develop MAP proposals and submit them to USDA as part of the Unified Export Strategy (UES) process that allows applicants to request funding for various USDA market development programs through a single strategically coordinated proposal.

The MAP applications undergo a competitive review process based on criteria specified in the Federal Register announcement. Funds are awarded to applicants that demonstrate effective performance based on a clear, long-term strategic plan. FAS sets a program funding level and signs a program agreement with each participant. Participants must keep an itemized list of expenses incurred during the program year and submit them to FAS for reimbursement. Expenses are subject to audits and participants are held accountable for maintaining proper documentation.

Agricultural cooperatives and small companies can receive assistance under the brand program. To conduct branded product promotion activities, individual companies must provide at least 50 percent of funding. For generic promotion activities, trade associations and others must meet a minimum 10-percent match requirement. Participants are required to certify that federal funds used under the program supplement -- and not replace -- private sector funds. MAP regulations limit the promotion of branded products in a single country to no more than five years.

What commodities are covered: USDA has approved MAP proposals to promote a wide variety of U.S. commodities in almost every region of the world. Among those U.S. food and fiber products are apples, asparagus, canned peaches and fruit cocktail, catfish, cherries, citrus, cotton, dairy products, dry beans, eggs, feed grains, frozen potatoes, grapes, honey, hops, kiwifruit, meat, peanuts, pears, pet food, pistachios, poultry meat, prunes, raisins, rice, salmon, soybeans, strawberries, sunflower seeds, surimi, tallow, tomato products, walnuts, watermelons, and wheat.

Where to get information: To submit a MAP proposal or to find more about the program, contact the USDA-FAS Programs Operations Division, AG Box 1042, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1042; Phone: (202) 720-4327; on the Internet at:

Information on FAS programs, trade data, and reports are available by accessing the FAS Home Page at:

Fiscal Year 2008 Market Access Program Allocations





Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute


American Forest and Paper Association


American Peanut Council


American Seed Trade Association


American Sheep Industry Association


American Soybean Association


Blue Diamond Growers/Almond Board of California


Brewers Association


California Agricultural Export Council


California Asparagus Commission


California Cherry Advisory Board


California Cling Peach Board


California Fresh Tomato Growers/Florida Tomato Committee


California Kiwifruit Commission


California Pear Advisory Board


California Pistachio Export Council/Cal-Pure Pistachios, Inc.


California Prune Board


California Strawberry Commission


California Table Grape Commission


California Tree Fruit Agreement


California Walnut Commission


Cherry Marketing Institute


Cotton Council International


Cranberry Marketing Committee


Distilled Spirits Council of the United States


Florida Department of Citrus


Food Export Association of the Midwest USA


Food Export USA Northeast


Ginseng Board of Wisconsin


Hawaii Papaya Industry Association


Hop Growers of America


Intertribal Agriculture Council


Mohair Council of America


National Association of State Departments of Agriculture


National Confectioners Association



National Honey Board


National Potato Promotion Board


National Renderers Association


National Sunflower Association


National Watermelon Promotion Board


New York Wine and Grape Foundation


Northwest Wine Promotion Coalition


Organic Trade Association


Pear Bureau Northwest


Pet Food Institute


Raisin Administrative Committee


Southern United States Trade Association


Specialty Coffee Association of Puerto Rico


Sunkist Growers, Inc.


Texas Produce Export Association


The Catfish Institute


The Popcorn Board


U.S. Apple Association


U.S. Dairy Export Council


U.S. Dry Bean Council


U.S. Grains Council


U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc.


U.S. Meat Export Federation


U.S. Wheat Associates


USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council


USA Poultry and Egg Export Council


USA Rice Federation/U.S. Rice Producers Association


Washington Apple Commission


Washington State Fruit Commission


Welch's Food


Western United States Agricultural Trade Association


Wine Institute

















Market Access Program Allocations

Initial FY 2007 Allocations



Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute


American Forest & Paper Association


American Peanut Council


American Seed Trade Association


American Sheep Industry Association


American Soybean Association


Blue Diamond Growers/Almond Board of California


Brewers Association


California Agricultural Export Council/Western Growers Assoc.


California Asparagus Commission


California Cherry Advisory Board


California Cling Peach Board


California Dried Plum Board


California Fresh Tomato Growers/Florida Tomato Committee


California Kiwifruit Commission


California Pear Advisory Board


California Pistachio Commission


California Strawberry Commission


California Table Grape Commission


California Tree Fruit Agreement


California Walnut Commission


Cherry Marketing Institute


Cotton Council International


Cranberry Marketing Committee


Distilled Spirits Council


Florida Department of Citrus


Food Export Association of the Midwest USA


Food Export USA Northeast


Ginseng Board of Wisconsin


Hawaii Papaya Industry Association


Hop Growers of America


Intertribal Agriculture Council


Mohair Council of America


National Association of State Departments of Agriculture


National Confectioners Association

$ 805,124

National Honey Board


National Renderers Association


National Sunflower Association


National Watermelon Promotion Board

$ 92,617

New York Wine and Grape Foundation


Northwest Wine Coalition


Organic Trade Association


Pear Bureau Northwest


Pet Food Institute


Raisin Administrative Committee


Southern United States Trade Association


Sunkist Growers, Inc.


Texas Produce Export Association


The Catfish Institute


The Popcorn Board


United States Potato Board


U.S. Apple Export Council


U.S. Dairy Export Council


U.S. Dry Bean Council


U.S. Grains Council


U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council


U.S. Livestock Genetics, Inc.


U.S. Meat Export Federation


U.S. Wheat Associates


USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council


USA Poultry and Egg Export Council


USA Rice Federation/U.S. Rice Producers Association


Washington Apple Commission


Washington State Fruit Commission


Welch's Food


Western United States Agricultural Trade Association


Wine Institute







Market Access Program (MAP) 




Total FY 2007 Allocation



Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute


American Forest & Paper Association


American Peanut Council


American Seed Trade Association


American Sheep Industry Association


American Soybean Association


Blue Diamond Growers/Almond Board of California


Brewers Association


California Agricultural Export Council/Western Growers Association


California Asparagus Commission


California Cherry Advisory Board


California Cling Peach Board


California Kiwifruit Commission


California Pear Advisory Board


California Pistachio Commission* (first allocation only)


California Prune Board


California Strawberry Commission


California Table Grape Commission


California Tomato Commission/Florida Tomato Committee


California Tree Fruit Agreement


California Walnut Commission


Catfish Institute


Cherry Marketing Institute


Cotton Council International


Cranberry Marketing Committee


Distilled Spirits Council


Florida Department of Citrus


Food Export USA Northeast


Ginseng Board of Wisconsin


Hawaii Papaya Industry Association


Hop Growers of America


Intertribal Agriculture Council


Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council


Mohair Council of America


National Association of State Departments of Agriculture


National Confectioners Association


National Dry Bean Council


National Honey Board


National Potato Promotion Board (USA Potato Board)


National Renderers Association


National Sunflower Association


National Watermelon Promotion Board


New York Wine and Grape Foundation


Northwest Wine Promotion Coalition


Organic Trade Association


Pear Bureau Northwest


Pet Food Institute


Popcorn Board


Raisin Administrative Committee


Southern United States Trade Association


Sunkist Growers, Inc.


Texas Produce Export Association


U.S. Apple Association


U.S. Dairy Export Council


U.S. Grains Council


U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council


U.S. Livestock Genetics, Inc.


U.S. Meat Export Federation


U.S. Wheat Associates


USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council


USA Poultry and Egg Export Council


USA Rice Federation/U.S. Rice Producers Association


Washington Apple Commission


Washington State Fruit Commission


Welch's Food


Western United States Agricultural Trade Association


Wine Institute












*Due to the dissolution of the California Pistachio Commission, its second allocation of $855,495 has been rescinded.




Market Access Program Allocations
Fiscal Year 2006 


MAP Participant FY 2006 Allocations
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute $5,116,061
American Forest & Paper Association $12,197,854
American Peanut Council $1,973,810
American Seed Trade Association $13,482
American Sheep Industry Association $395,713
American Soybean Association $4,623,364
Blue Diamond Growers/Almond Board of California $2,327,044
Brewers Association $195,282
California Agricultural Export Council/Western Growers Association $1,426,335
California Asparagus Commission $240,835
California Cherry Advisory Board $537,580
California Cling Peach Board $419,070
California Kiwifruit Commission $138,449
California Pear Advisory Board $480,170
California Pistachio Commission $1,298,037
California Prune Board $1,824,791
California Strawberry Commission $874,105
California Table Grape Commission $5,793,964
California Tomato Commission/Florida Tomato Committee $684,906
California Tree Fruit Agreement $2,689,884
California Walnut Commission $4,440,311
Cherry Marketing Institute $188,861
Cotton Council International $16,702,650
Cranberry Marketing Committee $1,806,608
Distilled Spirits Council $93,196
Florida Department of Citrus $3,869,511
Food Export USA Northeast $6,620,306
Ginseng Board of Wisconsin $114,754
Hawaii Papaya Industry Association $64,494
Hop Growers of America $38,912
Intertribal Agriculture Council $484,299
Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council $8,046,096
Mohair Council of America $128,723
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture $2,713,554
National Confectioners Association $1,311,062
National Dry Bean Council $1,236,347
National Honey Board $206,145
National Potato Promotion Board (USA Potato Board) $6,091,366
National Renderers Association $860,149
National Sunflower Association $982,636
National Watermelon Promotion Board $174,090
New York Wine and Grape Foundation $329,322
Northwest Wine Promotion Coalition $752,413
Organic Trade Association $301,896
Pear Bureau Northwest $2,967,351
Pet Food Institute $1,493,158
Raisin Administrative Committee $2,378,825
Southern United States Trade Association $8,265,669
Sunkist Growers, Inc. $3,613,372
Texas Produce Export Association $87,145
The Catfish Institute $406,886
The Popcorn Board $271,737
U.S. Apple Association $811,697
U.S. Dairy Export Council $5,528,848
U.S. Grains Council $7,711,058
U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council $217,452
U.S. Livestock Genetics, Inc. $1,630,893
U.S. Meat Export Federation $18,089,139
U.S. Wheat Associates $6,299,107
USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council $879,266
USA Poultry and Egg Export Council $4,953,751
USA Rice Federation/U.S. Rice Producers Association $4,667,954
Washington State Fruit Commission $650,280
Washington Apple Commission $4,082,167
Welch's Food $1,017,074
Western United States Agricultural Trade Association $13,057,609
Wine Institute $6,751,256
Reserve $3,359,868
TOTAL $200,000,000