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Doha Development Agenda: Negotiations, implementation and development

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe November 2001 declaration of the Fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar, provides the mandate for negotiations on a range of subjects and other work. The negotiations include those on agriculture and services, which began in early 2000.

In Doha, Ministers also approved a linked decision on implementation — problems developing countries face in implementing the current WTO agreements.

Ministerial discussions have taken place in Cancún in 2003, Geneva in 2004, Hong Kong in 2005 and Geneva in 2006 and 2008. See a brief summary of these negotiations.

See also:    > July 2008 package    > Previous negotiations     > The Uruguay Round     > The Doha Ministerial Conference
    > Trade topics     > Ministerial conferences     > General Council     > Aid for Trade

News of the Doha Development Agenda  back to top

> Follow developments in the Trade Negotiations Committee


The main Doha Declaration  back to top

Most of the subjects treated involve negotiations; other work includes actions under “implementation”, analysis and monitoring.


The implementation decision  back to top

Around 100 implementation issues were raised in the lead-up to the Doha Ministerial Conference. The implementation decision, combined with paragraph 12 of the main Doha Declaration, provides a two-track solution. More than 40 items under 12 headings were settled at or before the Doha conference, for immediate delivery; and the vast majority of the remaining items are immediately the subject of negotiations:


How the negotiations are organized  back to top


The latest negotiating drafts circulated to Members


Doha 2001

Doha Ministerial Declaration


Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health


Implementation-related issues and concerns — Decision


Subsidies — procedures for extensions under Article 27.4 (of the Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement) for certain developing country members


Decision on waiver for EU-ACP Partnership Agreement


Decision on EU transitional regime for banana imports

Geneva 2004

July 2004 package

Hong Kong 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration


  GENEVA 2008 


July 2008 package




Doha Declarations

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