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Prevailng Wage Policy Guidance

The implementation of the H-1B Reform Act and the publication of the PERM regulation necessitate the need to issue policy clarification and procedural guidance to the State Workforce Agencies. The guidance provides the step-by-step procedure for selecting the appropriate wage level for prevailing wage purposes.

The links below are for PDF versions of the Full Guidance Document, and for specific appendicies that are included in the full document but may be useful as seperate downloads.

This page and the links below reflect the November 2009 revision to the Prevailing Wage Policy Guidance.

Prevailing Wage Determination Policy Guidance for Nonagricultural Immigration Programs; Revised November 2009 (Includes appendicies A and B)

The Foreign Labor Certification Data Center is developed and maintained by the State of Utah under contract with the US Department of Labor, Office of Foreign Labor Certification.