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Community / forums

This area of the website is for the media, NGOs and the general public. It provides an opportunity for the public to comment on the WTO, its activities, and the trading system.

WTO forum back to top

Make your views known to the WTO and other users of the site by participating in on-line discussions or live chat events.

WTO forum is also a series of webcasting debates where experts from around the world confront major issues facing the WTO and the multilateral trading system.


For journalists back to top

Information for the media and explanation of the media newsroom (password protected).


NGO room back to top

Information about NGOs and NGO-related activities at WTO.


Parliamentarians back to top


WTO Open Day  back to top

On Sunday 6 September 2009 the World Trade Organization opens its doors to the public. Having been at the heart of Geneva for over 60 years, we welcome you to come and take a look inside and to find out more about who we are and what we do.


WTO public forum back to top

28-30 September 2009 :
WTO Public Forum 2009: “Global Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance”


24-25 September 2008 :

WTO Public Forum 2008 “Trading into the Future”

4 to 5 October 2007:
WTO Public Forum 2007: “How Can the WTO Help Harness Globalization?”

25 to 26 September 2006:
WTO Public Forum 2006: “What WTO for the XXIst century? ”

20 to 22 April 2005:
WTO holds its 2005 annual Public Symposium —
“WTO After 10 Years: Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions”


For students back to top

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