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Climate change: What is the role of trade?

The threat of climate change poses one of the great policy challenges of the 21st century. As governments consider their options in dealing with climate change, many are looking to the trading system for answers.

Can WTO rules and a successful outcome to the Doha round contribute to a multilateral solution to climate change? Or will policymakers have to consider options which curb trade flows around the world? What is the role that trade has to play in one of the most important global issues? Mari Pangestu, Indonesia's Minister for Trade, and Mark Halle, Director of Trade and Investment at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, discuss the issues with Keith Rockwell, WTO Spokesperson. You can also make your views known in the online forum below.

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This debate was recorded during the WTO Public Forum 2008. Other debates recorded at the time of the Public Forum will be published in the coming months.


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