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Short-term merchandise trade statistics

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Quarterly data (English only)

Monthly series for some 70 economies (English only)

Quarterly World trade estimates are aggregated from individual reporters' statistics taken from various international and national sources, and completed with estimates for missing data. The basic data include significant re-exports or imports for re-exports.

Quarterly and monthly figures do not add up to annual figures published elsewhere in WTO's statistical publications or online databases. In particular, owing to scarce quarterly data availability, Africa and Middle East regional totals are significantly under-represented. This however does not substantially affect world trade developments in terms of quarterly changes.

Frequency of updating: quarterly data are released two months after the end of the reference quarter. Monthly statistics are updated on a daily basis, along with releases of new values by the respective national statistical authorities.

Sources: Global Trade Information Services, GTA; IMF, International Financial Statistics; Eurostat, Comext Database; National statistics.

Further information: statistics@wto.org

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