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International trade and tariff data

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News  back to top


Statistics Database   back to top

Interactive access to the most up-to-date WTO trade statistics (opens in a new window)

All tables from “International Trade Statistics 2008” are now included in the Statistics Database.

Includes links to trade profiles, tariff profiles and services profiles.


International Trade Statistics, 2008   back to top

Annual publication including detailed analysis and tables for 2007 (leading traders, trade by sector and product, regional trade, LDCs, etc.).

Previous editions of ITS: 2007    2006   2005    2004    2003    2002    2001    2000    1999    1998


Comprehensive tariff data   back to top

The bound and applied tariff for all members at the standardized Harmonized System 6-digit subheading level are available for download.


Inter-agency activities   back to top

> Inter-agency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
> Inter-agency Task Force on International Merchandise Trade Statistics
> Inter-agency Common Data Set: a joint online database on total merchandise trade provided together with useful documentation
> Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services
Measuring Trade in Services — A training module

> The Millenium Development Goals
Inter-agency website coordinated with ITC and UNCTAD
MDG Goal 8: Market Access Indicators for LDCs


Special events   back to top

> “Data Day” — an inter-agency initiative promoted by ITC, UNCTAD, the World Bank and WTO, 18-19 May 2009


Links   back to top

> National statistical offices (pdf format, 12 pages, 154KB; opens in a new window)
> Other national sources  (pdf format, 18 pages, 307KB; opens in a new window)
> International Organizations  (pdf format, 3 pages, 62KB; opens in a new window)
> Other links to statistics and economics information


Feedback   back to top

Any feedback on this page should be sent to

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2009Q2: world merchandise exports increased by 8 per cent Q-o-Q, and decreased by 33 per cent Y-o-Y

More quarterly and monthly data




WTO StatTalk

May 2009




International Trade Statistics 2008

News item

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Publication details

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World Tariff Profiles 2008

Buy paper version online

Download complete publication in pdf format

Download pdf files for individual members

News item: New edition of World Tariff Profiles issued


See also:
World Trade Report
WTO Annual Reports

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland