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Technical barriers to trade

Technical regulations and product standards may vary from country to country. Having many different regulations and standards makes life difficult for producers and exporters. If regulations are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism. The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles.

> TBT Information Management System: a database of WTO information on TBT
(Notifications, concerns raised, other documents, enquiry points, etc)

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See also:
WTO Agreements and Public Health — A joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat

> Technical assistance related to Technical Barriers to Trade

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News  back to top


Introduction  back to top

What are Technical Barriers to Trade?
This link leads to the guide to the WTO “Understanding the WTO”

Understanding the TBT Agreement — a more technical explanation


The mandate  back to top

Technical explanation of WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

Browse or download the text of the TBT Agreement from the legal texts gateway

Buy the WTO Agreements series: TBT from the Online Bookshop

Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the TBT Agreement in the Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice





Workshop on Good Regulatory Practice, 18-19 March 2008

> Members Technical Assistance activities and needs in alphabetical order

2009 Technical Assistance Activities of the Secretariat

Special Meeting on procedures for Information Exchange

> National enquiry points by country in alphabetical order





Malaysia: Labelling Regulations on Natural Rubber Condoms and the WTO TBT Agreement



Work on TBT in the WTO, and official documents  back to top

The TBT Agreement stipulates that the Committee shall review:

  • annually the implementation and operation of the Agreement taking into account its objectives.
  • at the end of each three-year period, the operation and implementation of the Agreement, including the provisions relating to transparency, with a view to recommending an adjustment of the rights and obligations of the Agreement where necessary.

  > Current Chairperson


Work in the TBT Committee

7-9 June 2006 TBT Committee meeting


Search Documents Online
TBT documents use the code G/TBT/* (where * takes additional values)
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

help with downloading these documents

  • Annual reports of the TBT Committee (Document code varies)    > search
  • Annual reviews of the implementation and operation of the Agreement (Document code varies)    > search
  • Triennial reviews of the implementation and operation of the Agreement (Document code varies)    > search
  • Minutes of regular meetings of the TBT Committee (Document code G/TBT/M/*)    > search
  • Decisions and recommendations adopted by the TBT Committee since 1 January 1995 (Document code G/TBT/1/Rev*)    > search


Other official TBT documents

Receive TBT notifications by e-mail: In addition to the usual means of circulating TBT notifications, the Secretariat is now sending them electronically to an automatic mailing list. This will usually be done once a week. Interested persons can subscribe to the mailing list by following the instructions below. The notifications are sent only in the original language (English, French or Spanish).  >  subscribe

Search Documents Online
TBT documents use the code G/TBT/* (where * takes additional values)
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

help with downloading these documents

  • Working documents of the TBT Committee (Document code G/TBT/W/*)    > search
  • Disputes involving TBT (Document code varies)    > search
  • List of National Enquiry Points The TBT Agreement stipulates that each Member has to establish an enquiry point which is able to answer all reasonable enquiries from other Members and interested parties in other Members (Document code G/TBT/ENQ/*)    > search
    National enquiry points by country in alphabetical order

Notifications under the TBT Agreement:

  • Notifications by Members on the implementation and administration of the Agreement (searches for document code G/TBT/2/Add*)    > search
  • Notifications of mutual recognition agreements reached by a Member with any other country or countries on issues related to technical regulations, standards or conformity assessment procedures (searches for document code G/TBT/10.7/N/*)    > search

Notifications submitted by Members on technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures

  • On account of the number of notifications on technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures (Document code G/TBT/Notif* or G/TBT/N/*) 
       > search
  • Monthly lists of notifications prepared by the Secretariat since January 2001(searches for document code G/TBT/GEN/N/*)    > search

Notifications related to the Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards 

  • Notifications of acceptance of the Code by standardizing bodies (2001- ) (searches for document code G/TBT/CS/N/*)    > search
  • Notifications of acceptance of the Code by standardizing bodies (1995-2000) (searches for document code G/TBT/CS/N/*)    > search
  • Complete lists of standardizing bodies that have accepted the Code since 1 January 1995 (searches for document code G/TBT/CS/2/*)    > search
  • Annual lists of standardizing bodies that have accepted the Code (searches for document code G/TBT/CS/1/*)    > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.


Events on TBT  back to top

  • Workshop on Good Regulatory Practice (18-19 March 2008)
    At the Fourth Triennial Review of the TBT Agreement, concluded in November 2006, the TBT Committee agreed to share experiences on a number of aspects relevant to good regulatory practice with a view to deepening understanding of the contribution good regulatory practice can make to the implementation of the TBT Agreement. At the March 2007 meeting, Members decided to hold a workshop in March 2008 back-to-back with the TBT Committee's regular meeting.
    Programme with links to presentations
    Summary Report by the Chairman Mr. Raiminder S. SIDHU (Regular Meeting of the TBT Committee on 20 March 2008)
    News item
  • TBT Workshop on Statements on the Implementation and Administration of the Agreement under Article 15.2
    (8 November 2007)
    At the Third Triennial Review, it was recommended that, in order to fulfil the obligation contained in Article 15.2 of the TBT Agreement, Members seek assistance from other Members that have done so to share their knowledge and experience in this regard.
    At the Fourth Triennial Review the Committee reiterated the importance of Members fulfilling their obligation under this article.
    Programme with links to presentations

  • Fifth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange
    (7-8 November 2007)
     The Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (the TBT Committee) agreed in 1995 to hold, on a biennial basis, “regular meetings of persons responsible for information exchange, including persons responsible for enquiry points and notifications”. These meetings are organized in order to provide Members with an opportunity to discuss issues relating to information exchange and to review periodically the functioning of notification procedures and the operation of enquiry points.
    Programme with links to presentations
    Chairman's Report
  • Workshop on Different Approaches to Conformity Assessment
    (Geneva, 16-17 March 2006)
    At the Third Triennial Review of the TBT Agreement, concluded in November 2003, the TBT Committee agreed to a Work Programme on conformity assessment to improve Members' implementation of Articles 5-9 of the TBT Agreement and to promote a better understanding of conformity assessment systems. In particular, Members agreed to organize a workshop on the different approaches to conformity assessment, including on the acceptance of conformity assessment results.
    At this Workshop, which will be held back-to-back with the regular TBT Committee meeting, various panel discussions will focus on:
    (i) conformity assessment approaches and procedures at national level,
    (ii) facilitating the acceptance of conformity assessment results and
    (iii) building a conformity assessment infrastructure in developing country Members.
    Programme with links to presentations
    Background Note by the Secretariat
  • TBT workshop on supplier's declaration of conformity (SDoC) (Geneva, 21 March 2005)
    A TBT Workshop on Supplier's Declaration of Conformity was held on 21 March 2005, back-to-back with the next regular meeting of the TBT Committee, as part of the TBT Committee's work programme on conformity assessment, which aims to improve Members' implementation of Articles 5-9 of the TBT Agreement and, in particular, to promote a better understanding of conformity assessment systems. This workshop was an opportunity for Members to discuss, inter alia, Members' own experiences in using SDoC as one type of conformity assessment procedure. The Workshop aimed at giving particular emphasis to the developing country perspective.
    Programme with Links to Presentations
    Chairman's Report (MS word format, 2 pages, 68KB, opens in a new window)
    Background Note by the Secretariat (MS word format, 22 pages, 287KB, opens in a new window)
  • Fourth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange (2-3 November 2004)
    The Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (the TBT Committee) agreed in 1995 to hold, on a biennial basis, “regular meetings of persons responsible for information exchange, including persons responsible for enquiry points and notifications”. Meetings on procedures for information exchange are organized in order to provide Members with an opportunity to discuss issues relating to information exchange and to review periodically the functioning of notification procedures and the operation of enquiry points.
    Programme with links to presentations
    Summary report of the meeting
    Background note by the Secretariat (MS word format, 36 pages, 809KB, opens in a new window)
  • TBT Learning Event on Labelling (21-22 October 2003)
    This Event is based on real-life case studies, with a particular focus on developing countries' concerns. It takes into account the range of labelling schemes in different sectors and with varying objectives, which could be of interest to WTO Members.
    Programme, with links to presentations
    Summary of the event

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