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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Do you have questions about what the nation's students know and can do?

With the NAEP Data Explorer (NDE) you can create statistical tables, charts, and maps to help you find answers. Explore the results of decades of assessment of students' academic performance, as well as information about factors that may be related to their learning.

For help using NDE, visit the Quick Reference Guide (609K PDF) or use the NDE help button available at the top of every page.

System Requirements:
  • Target screen resolution is 1024x768.
  • Internet Explorer 6 or Higher, (IE7 recommended).
  • Firefox 2.0 or higher, (FF 3.0 or higher recommended).
  • Enable JavaScript and pop-ups in your browser.
  • Adobe Flash Player 9.0.115 or higher, (download).
Disability AccessibleAccessible version:

Enter Main NDE The Data Explorer for Main NAEP provides national and state results in 10 subject areas, including mathematics, reading, writing, and science. Results have been produced for the nation and participating states and other jurisdictions since 1990, and for selected urban districts (on a trial basis) since 2002.
Enter LTT NDE The Data Explorer for Long-Term Trend provides national mathematics and reading results dating from the 1970s.
Enter HSTS NDE The Data Explorer for the High School Transcript Study provides national NAEP grade 12 results from the 2005 mathematics and science assessments for students who graduated high school in 2005. Results are available for transcript data such as course-taking and grade point average.
NOTE: The 1997 Arts Assessment data are only available in PDF format.
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Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)