Person(s) served by an accredited organization

When the services or
provider you choose is
CARF accredited, you're
assured the highest quality
services possible

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Today, August 25, 2009

CARF salutes national "awareness" months and events >


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Tell us what you think about our website

Please answer seven questions about your experience on our website. open survey >

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CARF at work for you

What we and our partners are doing to enhance the lives of the persons served. more >

Prepare for a successful survey

Woman learning on a computer

Prepare for a successful survey

Webcast, narrated by Chris MacDonell, reveals how to prepare for a successful CARF accreditation survey (56 min., Media Player). view and listen to webcast >

We are an independent, nonprofit organization. That means our focus is on ensuring the services you use meet your needs for quality and the best possible outcomes.

CARF reviews and grants accreditation services nationally and internationally on request of a facility or program. Our standards are rigorous, so those services that meet them are among the best available.

Find out more about CARF in a three-minute movie: view movie > or read movie script >

Copyright CARF © 2009. All rights reserved.


Consumers look for CARF Accredited programs as their assurance for the highest possible standards.
more >


CARF-accredited service providers enjoy recognition among an international community of consumers and programs. more >


CARF-accredited programs ensure the highest industry standards possible, providing risk reduction and accountability. more >


CARF Surveyors are among the industry's most respected experts in the field of Human Services. more >