Hard Core Abs: Scissor for Six-Pack

Here is another advanced move for your summer six-pack, this one also targets the external obliques.

Lay on your back with both hands behind your head for support, legs long. Lift both legs off the floor 3 inches. Then raise the right leg to the ceiling and reach your left hand straight up toward your toe. Switch sides and bring your straight left leg up to the sky and reach for your toe with the right hand. Keep looking at the ceiling and do 30 reps.

Trainers tip: for modifications, email me at nikki@nikkifitness.com.
If you want to add this six pack to a set of toned buns, check out my booty camp moves and DVD as well.

Fitness - Fit it in!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at www.nikkifitness.com:

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at www.nikkifitness.com. For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Military training is hard enough. Don't make it any harder by being physically unprepared. Fitness experts Stew Smith, Sgt. Ken, Jeff Anderson, Nikki Fitness and Sgt. Volkin are here to help you achieve your fitness goals. Keep up-to-date on military fitness requirements, boot camp expectations, special operations fitness and much more.