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Shared Access Computing with Windows SteadyState

Keep your shared access computers running smoothly with Windows SteadyState

Upgrade today!
Windows SteadyState Version 2.5 is now available with Windows Vista Support

Get SteadyState now

Are you ready to download Windows SteadyState for your genuine Windows XP or Windows Vista computer? There's no charge. Download it now, or look around and learn more.

See how easy it is to use
See how easy it is to use

Not an IT professional? That's OK—it can be easy to manage shared computers that are hardened by Windows SteadyState for multiple users.

Lock down your user interface

Users sometimes go places and do things they shouldn't on shared machines. Now you can help protect sensitive locations and restrict user access to features such as Control Panel.

Ever wish you could undo everything?
Ever wish you could undo everything?

You can't always prevent problems during a user session, but now you can undo the whole session. Learn how Windows SteadyState can return your computer and hard disk to its exact condition before the user touched it, simply by rebooting.


The Windows SteadyState overview FAQ may have the answers you need.

Learn more about Windows SteadyState

What's new

Windows SteadyState (formerly Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP) is a set of software tools to help effectively manage shared computers running Windows. To learn more about Windows SteadyState, access the Handbook or online Help. Both sources include information on:

  • New user console with tabbed navigation that lets you easily manage and protect your shared computers.

    New user console
  • Windows Disk Protection is now file-based so you can set up and install without changing your disk partitions.

  • Windows Disk Protection is now manageable in an Active Directory environment.

  • More software restriction options give you greater control over which programs can be used.

  • More user restriction options, including significantly greater control over Internet Explorer.

  • High, medium, and low security defaults allow for quicker and easier customization.

  • Easily import and export user restrictions directly from the console, without using command line tools.

  • Easier setup and better documentation to help you get started.


Do you want to exchange tips, tricks, and useful information with others who are using Windows SteadyState?

The Windows SteadyState Community site is a place where people like you can ask and answer questions about useful ways to use SteadyState in different situations.

In addition to user discussion forums you will also find the latest downloads available. Drop by the SteadyState Community.

Windows SteadyState resources

Technical FAQ

Shared access communities

    Visit an online community where library staff members meet to share ideas, solve problems, take online courses?and have fun.

    Join a growing network of independent nonprofits dedicated to putting technology know-how in the hands of nonprofits.

    Explore information and services designed for the benefit of the nonprofit sector.

Firewall security

  • Firewalls
    Take a detailed look at how firewalls work.



General security

  • Security guidance center
    Get articles, tools, and checklists that can help you improve the security of your environment.

  • Windows Update
    Download software updates that keep the operating system, software, and hardware of the computers you manage fully up to date.

Viruses and spyware

What is Shared Access?

Shared access computers serve multiple independent users in places such as schools, Internet cafés, libraries, and homes.

Learn more about shared access computing

Learn more about shared access computing

See how shared access computing is used in everyday situations

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See how easy it is
Watch a quick demonstration of what SteadyState can do.
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Download now
There is no extra cost with your genuine Windows XP and Windows Vista.
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