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View a message from Governor Daniels

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act became law on February 17, 2009. Congress and President Obama have decided to commit $787 billion in spending and tax relief in hopes of stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Governor Daniels has made clear his priorities in carefully using Indiana's portion:  jobs and speed.

Much of that money will flow through state governments. Across America, states are in deep financial trouble; Indiana’s situation is different, at least for now. Our budget is balanced and we have maintained critical services that other states have cut. The exact amount Indiana will receive is unknown, but Hoosiers can expect approximately $4.3 billion in increases in existing federal programs. More funds will be available through competitive grant funds, which we will aggressively pursue.

Governor Daniels has already taken action to utilize stimulus funds in the smartest and fastest ways possible. Before the federal package was signed into law, Indiana had identified ‘shovel ready’ highway and clean water projects throughout the state. These projects will put more Hoosiers to work. Indiana was among the first states to certify its participation with the U.S. Department of Labor to provide an additional $25 weekly to Hoosiers eligible for unemployment insurance.

The federal government has established a website,, to provide transparency and accountability for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  This Indiana Web site,, will accomplish the same goal for Hoosiers. It will help Hoosiers know how stimulus funds will be distributed in Indiana and what kinds of projects and programs are eligible for the funds. It also will be used to connect Hoosiers to other resources and provide more information about funds as it becomes available.
