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publication cover shotNow Available! Climate Change Reference Guide A handy, one-stop resource of basic climate change facts with charts, graphs, and maps to understand this critical issue. Order Now

publication cover shotState of the World 2009
Into a Warming World

A comprehensive guide to global warming and the steps we must take to combat it.
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publication cover shot Low-Carbon Energy
Read about the technologies that could build a low-carbon global energy economy in the coming years.
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publication cover shot Local food myths, sea power, women in Gambia, and the tricky business of projecting population. World Watch Magazine, May/June 2009

publication cover shot Green Jobs
A summary of green employment opportunities and prospects in various sectors.
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United States Considers Biofuel Emissions

The world's leading producer of biofuels proposes to include lifecycle studies of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with biofuel production to ensure the fuels benefit climate.
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Suriname Tribe Protects Land, Ensures Rights
Hugo Jabini and Wanze Eduards, the 2009 Goldman Environment Prize co-recipients for Central and South America, fought logging concessions in their territory. An international court victory set precedent for tribal land rights.
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China WatchWorldwatch Special Focus: China and global sustainability in the 21st century.

Vital Signs OnlineVital Signs Online offers decades of data and cutting-edge analysis on important trends in sustainability, in an easy to access format.

energy and climateNews and resources about Worldwatch's Climate and Energy Work.

FoodDiscover what good eating means for you and the planet.