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Global Climate Change Program


Climate change is one of the great global challenges of our time, affecting each and every nation. USAID sees climate change and development as inextricably linked. Since 1991, USAID’s Global Climate Change Program has implemented “win-win” solutions that provide climate-related benefits while meeting sustainable development objectives.

Brochure cover featuring a family of organic farmers in Brazil display their produce near the large photovoltaic array that powers their farm.


As Secretary Clinton has stated, “USAID already has been a leader in advancing climate, clean energy, and conservation activities in the developing world, drawing the clear and important link between solving the climate problem and promoting sustainable development globally.”

“We will need to engage in vigorous, creative diplomacy to dramatically reduce emissions. And we will need to work with vulnerable regions and countries to help them adapt to the climate change that is already locked into the system. In the years ahead, every large emitter will have to make major changes in the way that they use energy and manage their forests and lands. There is simply no other way to preserve a safe and livable world for our children.”

Todd Stern,
Special Envoy for Climate Change,
January 2009


Addressing the causes and effects of climate change has been a key focus of USAID’s development assistance for over a decade. USAID has funded environmental programs that have reduced growth in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while promoting energy efficiency, forest conservation, biodiversity, and other development goals. This ‘multiple benefits’ approach to climate change helps developing and transition countries achieve economic development without sacrificing environmental protection. Active in more than 40 developing and transition countries, the program integrates climate change into the broad range of USAID’s development assistance activities.

USAID places particular emphasis on partnerships with the private sector and on working with local and national authorities, communities, and nongovernmental organizations to create alliances that build on the relative strengths of each. Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders helps avoid unnecessary duplication and lays the foundation for a sustained, integrated approach. Through training, tools, and other means of capacity building, USAID helps developing and transition countries address climate-related concerns as a part of their development goals.

Please note, many links in the Global Climate Change portion of USAID's web sites point to information on the U.S. State Department and White House web sites. Some of these materials may be under review and temporarily unavailable. These links will be updated on USAID's web sites as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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