Migratory Birds
Conserving the Nature of America

Hooded Mergansers Credit: USFWS

Providing Global Leadership in the Conservation and Management of Migratory Birds for Present and Future Generations

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What's New!

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Uncommon seabird nests successfully for first time in United States

Manx ShearwaterBiologists visiting Matinicus Rock, an island managed as part of the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge, discovered a fledgling age Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) this month. This is the first time that a chick has been known to fledge, or reach an age when it leaves its nest, in the U.S.

Learn more: http://www.fws.gov/northeast/index.cfm



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Final Eagle Rule Announced

Permit Program in Final Rule for Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles

Bald Eagle and fledglingThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a final rule on two new permit regulations that would allow for the take of eagles and eagle nests under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act).

Bald Eagles were removed from the endangered species list in June 2007 because their populations recovered sufficiently. However, the protections under the Eagle Act continue to apply. When the Bald Eagle was delisted, the Service proposed regulations to create a permit program to authorize limited take of Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles where take is associated with otherwise lawful activities.

Final Rule
More Information

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City of Philadelphia Receives Grant for Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds

On August 13th at “Zoo Night” during American Ornithologists Union’s annual meeting, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announced $70,000 in grant funding as part of the USFWS Urban Treaty Grant Announcement to Philadelphia Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds to the City of Philadelphia. The Treaty, a partnership between the Service, the City of Philadelphia, and Fairmount Park is a commitment to restore, conserve and protect valuable bird habitat within Philadelphia’s urban environment and to develop an informed public through education and training programs.

Press Release
More Information



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2009 Waterfowl Population Status Report

Wigeon Credit: Dave Menke, USFWS

In cooperation with the Canadian Wildlife Service and other state, provincial, and private conservation partners, the USFWS 54th annual breeding population and habitat assessment survey is complete – and the numbers are very encouraging!

In May and June, 2009, 12 air crews flew roughly 55,000 miles of survey transects, covering over 2 million square miles of habitat across the US and Canada. Surveys and analyses are complete, view the 2009 Waterfowl Population Status Report.

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Adaptive Harvest Management

The Adaptive Harvest Management Report is part of a series of reports intended to support development of harvest regulations Mallard Credit: Dave Menke, USFWSfor the 2009 hunting season. Specifically, this report is intended to provide waterfowl managers and the public with information about the use of adaptive harvest management for setting waterfowl hunting regulations in the United States. This report provides the most current data, analyses, and decision-making protocols.


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Migrant peregrine falcon notice:

Peregrine Falcon Credit: USFWSThe Division also has published a Notice announcing the allocation of take of nestling and migrant peregrine falcons for use in falconry. The take of nestling peregrines in the western U.S. has occurred for several years. Last year the Division determined that the very limited take of 36 fall migrant first-year peregrines would not affect either the arctic-nesting tundrius subspecies or the reintroduced nesting population in the eastern U.S.


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Migratory Bird Hunting Activity and Harvest During the 2007 and 2008 Hunting Seasons

Snow Geese Credit: USFWSOver 13.7 million ducks were harvested in the United States during the 2008-2009 waterfowl hunting season, according to preliminary estimates by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Hunting Activity and Harvest report. Duck harvest was down from 14.6 million harvest numbers from the previous season. More than 3.8 million geese were harvested, an increase of 120,000 from the 2007-2008 season. Canada Geese were the most prevalent goose harvested with more than 2.8 million birds taken. Snow Geese were the second most popular goose species harvested, with nearly 560,000 taken nationally.

The Service compiles the harvest report each year to publish estimates of hunting activity and harvest for all migratory game bird species in each state, flyway, and the entire United States. The crucial information that hunters provide each year helps to ensure that our migratory bird resources--and hunting tradition--will be around for future generations to enjoy.

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2009 Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey

Survey indicates increase in many duck species

The preliminary estimate of total ducks from the 2009 Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey was 42 million, which is 13 percent greater than last year’s estimate Waterfowl Survey Planeand 25 percent greater than the 1955-2008 average.

The Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey samples more than two million square miles of waterfowl habitat across the north-central and northeastern United States, south-central, eastern, and northern Canada, and Alaska. The survey estimates the number of ducks on the continent's primary nesting grounds.


Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, 1955-2009
July 1, 2009

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Mourning Dove, White-winged Dove, and Band-tailed Pigeon, 2009 Population Status

Mourning DoveThis report summarizes information on the abundance and harvest of Mourning Doves collected annually in the United States, the White-winged Dove populations in Arizona and summarizes information on the abundance and harvest of Band-tailed Pigeons collected annually in the western United States and British Columbia.


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American Woodcock

Annual Report

American Woodcock
Population Status, 2009



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Poster - Celebrate Birds in CultureInternational Migratory Bird Day is an invitation to celebrate and support migratory bird conservation!

Typically held on the second Saturday in May (May 9 in 2009), IMBD is celebrated whenever migratory bird arrival is celebrated in your community.

Find out more! http://www.fws.gov/birds/imbd.html



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Birds of Conservation Concern

The Division of Migratory Bird Management announces the availability of Birds of Conservation Concern 2008.
Rufous HummingbirdThis publication identifies species, subspecies, and populations of migratory and nonmigratory birds in need of additional conservation actions. We hope to stimulate coordinated and collaborative
proactive conservation actions among Federal, State, tribal, and private partners. The species that appear in Birds of Conservation Concern 2008 are deemed to be the highest priority for conservation actions. We anticipate that the document will be consulted by Federal agencies and their partners prior to undertaking cooperative research, monitoring, and management actions that might directly or indirectly affect migratory birds.
The Notice of Availability.

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Migratory Bird Strategic Plan

Migratory Bird Strategic Plan Cover

Focal Species

Godwit Credit: Kathy Fleming,  USFWS
Godwit Credit: Kathy Fleming, USFWS

The State of the Birds


State of the Birds

Resident Canada Goose
Nest Egg Registration

Canada Goose in Nest

Migratory Bird Flyways

Flyway Map, Credit: USFWS



Last updated: September 4, 2009