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CIA Home > Careers > Diversity > Director's Statement on Diversity

Diversity at CIA

Director's Statement on Our Commitment to Diversity


In virtually every aspect of our mission, CIA relies on diversity for success. We operate in a wide range of environments and tackle an even wider range of problems. If we all look the same, our mission suffers. If we all think the same, failure is certain. To reach our full potential as an intelligence service, we must draw from the same source of strength that makes America great: the limitless energy and creativity inherent in the diversity of its people.

As Director, I am committed to making our Agency look more like the country we protect and the world we watch. We must build greater diversity across our entire workforce, from recruitment to executive service. We owe our people the very best in training and mentoring, as well as the opportunity to gain the kind of experience that prepares them for senior assignments. Each of us has a role in advancing diversity and in helping our Agency meet three major challenges:

  • To hire men and women with a broad range of ethnic, cultural, and educational backgrounds—as well as abilities and experiences—who bring critical skills and fresh approaches to our essential work;
  • To be fully inclusive in our mission and ensure that, in all cases, accomplishment earns a seat at the table in leading our Agency; and
  • To establish CIA as an employer of choice that both values and better reflects our country’s diversity.

In order to fulfill CIA’s commitment to reflect the face of the world, I have set the Agency on a path toward a goal of improving minority representation in our workforce from 22 percent to 30 percent by 2012.

In serving the nation of nations that is America—and in benefiting from its wide variety of talent, expertise, and perspectives—CIA has a natural advantage over our adversaries. Let’s do everything we can to make the most of it.

Leon E. Panetta

Posted: Apr 20, 2007 10:41 AM
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2009 02:38 PM
Last Reviewed: Jul 16, 2009 03:22 PM