Fine Arts

(The Denver Post | CYRUS MCCRIMMON)
arts and entertainment
Denver Art Museum expansion a canvas for artists
Building itself a work of art
Wearing a white-plastic suit and face mask and spraying paint from a cherry-picker basket about 60 feet above the floor, Katharina Grosse could easily have been mistaken Wednesday for a contractor or factory worker. 
Stimulus cash puts arts to work
09/20/2009 - A total of 47 arts groups will split $568,040 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Their promise is to keep 313 people gainfully employed either by preserving workers laid off or threatened, or by restoring reduced positions to full-time.  


Collection of Glenn Fuhrman, New York; Courtesy of the FLAG Art Foundation
Although the truism often got lost in the postmodernist, high-concept faddishness of the late 20th century, art should be first and foremost about the eye.  
Evan Semon, Special to The Denver Post
Ivar Zeile admits that it is a huge risk. In the depths of the worst economic downturn in at least a quarter-century, the owner and director of the 8-year-old Plus Gallery has invested $680,000 in a sleek new building at 2501 Larimer St., just off Broadway.  
Frank Ooms Photography
The Colorado chapter of the American Institute of Architects annually pays tribute to the best designs from its more than 2,400 members statewide.  


Art Show Openings  
Rule Gallery
Artists are again paying as much attention to the eye as the mind. After years of offbeat, conceptually driven art trumping traditional painting and sculpture, the tide is turning in the contemporary art world. Refined technique and visual beauty are back.  
Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post
Lower downtown was Denver's unrivaled art district in the early 1990s. But skyrocketing rents and the changing nature of the neighborhood, spurred in part by the arrival of Coors Field, forced many of those spaces to close or move to other parts of the city.  
Plus Gallery
Even though she earned her master of fine arts degree just three years ago and has painted professionally for less than eight years, Karen McClanahan is a mainstay at the Plus Gallery, having shown there longer than any other artist.  
Evan Semon, Special to The Denver Post
Ivar Zeile admits that it is a huge risk. In the depths of the worst economic downturn in at least a quarter-century, the owner and director of the 8-year-old Plus Gallery has invested $680,000 in a sleek new building at 2501 Larimer St., just off Broadway.  

National Scene

Viewers who missed the varied art happenings that took place amid the hubbub of the Democratic National Convention need not despair. Works by seven of the 10 widely known artists.  
Brooklyn Museum, bequest of Laura L. Barnes
Another impressionism show already? Yes, and no yawns allowed. The latest offering, which opens today at the Denver Art Museum, has a couple of elements that at least partially set it apart.  
Christoph Heinrich, the Denver Art Museum's new curator of modern and contemporary art, is one of two new members of the prestigious, sometimes controversial, Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board.  
They are photos Ansel Adams never intended anyone to see — tiny proofs taken with a handheld camera.  
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Gift of Eli and Edythe Broad, © 2007 Richard Serra/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Richard Serra, previously the arch-villain of art, has gone mainstream.  

Denver Art Museum

Wearing a white-plastic suit and face mask and spraying paint from a cherry-picker basket about 60 feet above the floor, Katharina Grosse could easily have been mistaken Wednesday for a contractor or factory worker.  

Art Museums

He once commanded an area of 12 million square miles, four times the size of the Roman empire, and was named Time magazine's "most influential person of the millennium."  
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
If recent area exhibitions are any guide, beauty and sensuousness are in, and arcane, self-involved intellectualism is out.  
The Denver Post
It is all too easy to dismiss Fernando Botero. The Colombian-born artist's rotund, out-sized figures and exaggerated, folk- flavored style can come across, at least at first, as insubstantial and the opposite of hip and edgy.  
University Art Museum Collection, gift of Dorothy and Bob Udall
Linny Frickman had plenty of reasons to beam last week as she showed a visitor around Colorado State University's newly opened art museum — its first ever.  
Evan Semon, special to The Denver Post
Rex Ray's paintings exude a California vibe. They are hip, laidback and fun.  


Walker Fine Art
Taking a temporary break from its usual offerings, Walker Fine Art, 300 W. 11th Ave., is presenting a stunning exhibition of works by celebrated Japanese ceramicist Takashi Nakazato and four of his assistants.  
Collection of the Andy Warhol Museum.
It's hard to imagine how startling Andy Warhol's flower paintings must have been in 1964.  
Artwork Network  

Public Art

Matthew Weed
Christopher Weed's giant "Red Paperclips" is one of the most successful public art projects to come to the Front Range this year. Perched in front of the Plaza of the Rockies office building in Colorado Springs, the piece consists of — as its no-nonsense title makes clear — two giant, 24-foot paper clips leaning against each other.  
Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
Four of Denver's most visible pieces of art — giant, abstract sculptures meant to be temporary when they were installed four decades ago — will continue to live on.  
Helen H. Richardson | The Denver Post
When it comes to public art, controversy is good. The worst fate for any work is to simply be ignored. On those terms, "Mustang," Luis Jimenez's gleaming, blue fiberglass sculpture of a rearing horse, has to be regarded as a huge success.  

Artists and Artisans

Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
In high school, Geoffrey Newton found an ancient craft that stoked his creativity. Now it's his career.

WATCH: A video of the blacksmith at work.  

Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
My House: Two artists break the bonds of a Victorian home to stretch — indoors and out — in a Lakewood modern.  

Arts Preview

He once commanded an area of 12 million square miles, four times the size of the Roman empire, and was named Time magazine's "most influential person of the millennium."  
Jim Carr, The Denver Post
That's the major issue that 4,000 artists and administrators will take on when they gather in Denver for the National Performing Arts Convention, which runs from Tuesday through Saturday at the Colorado Convention Center.  
Jeff Neumann, The Denver Post
Pop music: Call them brave or stupid, but artists touring through Colorado during these wintry months are bold at the very least. Most of these acts are making it happen in passenger vans, putting their faith in front-wheel drive and the weight of five dudes and their equipment.  
Classical Music: The classical music world has begun to uncover often forgotten composers and musicians whose careers were ruined during the Nazi regime.  

Denver & the West









