Denver Post Editorials

"Star Wars" in the 21st century
09/21/2009 - Back during the Cold War, when kids spent hours playing Missile Command on Atari consoles and went again and again to the latest George Lucas space saga, the idea of a "Star Wars" defense shield took a lot of ribbing. 

Is the recession over? It depends
09/18/2009 - The freefall of the American economy has halted and the worst recession since the 1930s appears to be over — on paper anyway. 

RTD willing to learn from its past mistakes
09/18/2009 - It may be a cliche to say that if you don't learn from history, you will repeat it. But it's true, and it's crazy to repeat mistakes when you're dealing with a massive project that costs billions. 

Protecting your right to know
09/18/2009 - Our democracy relies on a free and independent media to provide a check on government. To do so, it's sometimes necessary to protect the relationship between journalists and their confidential sources. 

Obama jumps into Senate battle before it even starts
09/18/2009 - So now two votes have been cast in next year's U.S. Senate race in Colorado — Gov. Bill Ritter's and President Barack Obama's.  

Back to square one on Pinnacol
09/17/2009 - The Pinnacol Follies continue under the Gold Dome. 

It's not too late for city's police to delay pay raises
09/16/2009 - Members of the Denver Fire Fighters Local 858 overwhelming voted this week to forgo promised pay raises for two years and restructure their benefits to save the city some $7 million. 

Close the door on housing tax credit
09/16/2009 - A huge federal tax credit for new homebuyers and those who have been out of the market for at least three years is set to expire at the end of November. 

Freeing violent criminals not worth the cost savings
09/15/2009 - So it turns out that violent criminals, including convicted killers, kidnappers and child abusers, are among those eligible for early release from Colorado prisons under Gov. Bill Ritter's directives to cut spending. 

Necessary cuts for city budget
09/15/2009 - There is no way to cut $120 million from Denver's budget without citizens feeling some of the pain. 

Managing risk on Wall Street
09/15/2009 - On the anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, President Barack Obama went to Wall Street and vowed to prevent financial excesses in risk-taking from endangering future markets. 

Campaign laws and free speech
09/14/2009 - When McCain-Feingold campaign finance was passed in 2002, its stated intention was to take money and corruption out of politics. In both these regards, it has failed. 

Middle ground on biologic meds
09/11/2009 - A perfect example of the difficulties involved in health care reform can be found in the debate over what to do about highly promising but highly expensive biologic drugs and vaccines. 

Recidivism program is a wise investment
09/11/2009 - The cost of housing inmates in Colorado's already over-crowded prison system continues to escalate, and during these unsteady economic times, money isn't available to build new prisons. 

Health reform at what price?
09/11/2009 - If there was any lingering doubt that Barack Obama has a knack for public speaking (and there wasn't), Wednesday's address to Congress and the nation on health care should have dispelled it. 

Sand dunes' turn to shine
09/11/2009 - Great Sand Dunes National Park will represent Colorado on the next new issue of U.S. quarters. Count us among those excited to see the shiny new coins. 

Renew the focus on Afghanistan
09/11/2009 - Today, for the eighth time, the nation will collectively mourn the nearly 3,000 people killed during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. 

Wanna know the best way to beat swine flu?
09/10/2009 - With the H1N1 flu pandemic expected to flare up this fall and no vaccine available until next month, nervous Coloradans are seeking all kinds of possible remedies. 

A passionate plea for health reform
09/10/2009 - In an impassioned speech to Congress and the country Wednesday night, President Obama laid out the essential elements of health care reform. 

Boost in parking tickets is more than a revenue trick
09/10/2009 - Denver parking enforcement agents are on a near-record pace to write tickets worth nearly $20 million by year's end. 


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