Money News

(AP | Mark Lennihan)
Economy erodes brands trust
The combined value of the world's top 100 brands fell for the first time in the 10 years Interbrand has assessed them.
Consumers lost trust in brands this year as the recession deepened, according to an industry report released Thursday, although staples Coca-Cola and IBM retained their spots as the world's two most-valuable brands. 
Agency chief urges Colo. banks to inject stimulus into small businesses
09/18/2009 - The Obama administration's chief steward over small-business policy visited Colorado on Thursday, in part to deliver a message that the state's banks need to do more to extend emergency stimulus aid to struggling businesses. 

Stocks zigzag as jobless claims dip
09/17/2009 - NEW YORK—A surprise drop in unemployment claims couldn't fuel another day of gains for the stock market. 

Bernanke: Recession likely over, misery isn't
09/16/2009 - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday that the worst recession since the 1930s is probably over, although he cautioned that pain — especially for the nearly 15 million unemployed Americans — will persist. 

Recession's end won't calm troubled waters
09/16/2009 - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday in Washington that the U.S. recession is "very likely over," garnering nods of agreement, cautious optimism and a few raised eyebrows from Colorado executives, business owners and workers. 

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