(Joe Amon, The Denver Post)
the economy
Jobless pay running out for many
Prospects for work remain bleak, even for those left unemployed for a year.
One year after the nation's economy plunged into turmoil, thousands of Coloradans are watching their unemployment benefits expire, looking for jobs that don't exist and preparing for a winter when the money runs out. 
Cursive increasingly out of loop in schools
09/19/2009 - Charleston resident Kelli Davis was in for a surprise when her daughter brought home some routine paperwork at the start of school this fall. Davis signed the form and then handed it to her daughter for the eighth- grader's signature. 

Only handful of schools earn DPS's top ranking
09/18/2009 - Only nine of 140 schools received the top ranking in Denver Public Schools' districtwide annual performance assessment. 

Denver teachers voting on reduced pay increase
09/17/2009 - The Denver teachers union is voting on a renegotiated contract that would pay 1.65 percent less this year, saving Denver Public Schools about $5 million. 

Denver teachers voting on pay giveback
09/16/2009 - Teachers in Denver's union are voting on whether to accept a renegotiated contract with the district that would pay them 1.65 percent less this year, saving DPS about $5 million.  

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