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  As we begin to rebuild the Reform Party, we need the resources and commitment from all interested Americans.

What unites all members of the Reform Party is our drive for clean, responsible government, a balanced budget and an end to the runaway spending that has pushed our national debt to over $12 trillion. If you are interested in learning more, please click here.

  Our National Chairman periodically publishes editorials or letters discussing the Reform Party's stance on current events.

To read his latest letter please click here.


Reform Party national chairman David Collison called the debate between Democrats and Republicans on raising the nation’s debt ceiling another reminder that the country is faced with a deficit in leadership on the most critical economic issues.

"The Democrats and Republicans continue to prove to the American people that they are incapable of addressing the $14 trillion debt they created," said Collison. “This is a debt that has grown by over $10 trillion in less than 20 years, and neither party has a plan to make it stop. Well, it …

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President Obama’s Tweet-a-Thon Not an Example of Open or Good Government(0)

Yesterday, President Obama's first-ever presidential forum using Twitter generated substantial media buzz. However the event itself largely failed to deliver any tangible benefits, and ultimately was not an example of what social media can do to provide open and better government.
Here are some observations:
1) Drew Cline of New Hampshire's Union Leader, who helped to curate the event and shared his post-event analysis, said via Twitter, "Amazing how Obama can give such a long answer to such short questions." This comment highlighted the PR-nature of the event. It …

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