Updated: May 10, 2011 2:03:08 PM MDT
bill husted

Husted: Porn publisher Larry Flynt writes about commanders in briefs

Larry Flynt calls JFK the "Energizer Bunny" of presidential philanderers.

Larry Flynt, founder of Hustler and enigmatic symbol of sexual freedom, will be at the Tattered Cover LoDo at 7:30 p.m. Thursday with Columbia prof David Eisenbach. They wrote "One Nation Under Sex," an examination of the escapades of former presidents, first ladies and their lovers.

I talked with Flynt on his cell Monday, as he tried to rate the misconduct of various leaders. "Harding was the worst," he says. Harding tried to familiarize himself with women in every room of the White House.


"Kennedy's philandering was much worse than Clinton's," Flynt insists. "Clinton was just a lovable rogue. Kennedy was the Energizer Bunny."

Farm animals. A pig and a goat. That's what you'll learn to slaughter, prepare and eat at next month's Aspen Food & Wine Classic.

One of the pig presenters will be Alex Seidel of Denver's Fruition. The guy with the goat is Andrew Zimmern of Travel Channel's "Bizarre Foods." The demo is titled "Goat Is Great."

Organizers are trying to liven up the classic. Former Little Nell wineman will match the grape juice with the offerings of a Denver taco truck. And look for street food among all the foie gras. No napkins? What do you think your sleeve is fer?

New York City's master restaurateur Danny Meyer will mix it up with his seminar, "Sauce on the Side: Wine, Weiners & the Works."

And presenting a seminar on the power lunch are Thomas

Keller, Daniel Boulud and Paul Bocuse, three of the biggest names in chefdom.

The event is June 17-19. Passes are $1,185.

If that seems a bit pricy, Meyer brings back his Big Aspen Barbecue Block Party Aug. 27-28. The New York version is a huge success and he replicates it Aspen style. But unlike the Food & Wine Classic, admission to Big Aspen is free. Some streets are blocked off for the party, and you can just buy a plate of BBQ (from some of the best smokers in the country) for about $8 a plate.

Be happy.

"CBS Sunday Morning" told us last weekend that Boulder is the happiest place in America.

The segment opened with a shot of Boulder's prominent restaurateur David Query (who also owns some top Denver restaurants, Jax Fish House and LoLa), fly fishing before he heads to his office, just five minutes away.

"Boulder, Colo.," said reporter Jim Alexrod. "Where Dave, who owns a restaurant called (what else?) Happy, is far from the only one who is mainlining the vibe of well-being. . . . If happiness is a state of mind, Boulder is its capital."

This happiness map comes from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. The unhappiest? Huntington, W.Va.

Watch the segment at cbsnews.com.

City spirit.

Salute to Seniors Day is Wednesday at the Colorado Convention Center — with a Sinatra Tribute at 10 a.m and 1 p.m. . . . Sez who: "Politics is my hobby. Smut is my vocation." Larry Flynt

Bill Husted's column appears Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. You can reach him at 303-954-1486 or at bhusted@denverpost.com. Take a peek at Husted's next column at blogs.denverpost.com/husted.


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