
Updated: September 21, 2009 6:27:18 AM MDT
Editorial: "Star Wars" in the 21st century
President Obama's update of Ronald Reagan's defense shield — shifting the focus to mid-range missiles — makes sense.
Back during the Cold War, when kids spent hours playing Missile Command on Atari consoles and went again and again to the latest George Lucas space saga, the idea of a "Star Wars" defense shield took a lot of ribbing. 
Guest Commentary: Making Colorado more fair for all people
Five little-known new state laws make Colorado a more inclusive and fair place. From adoption to estate planning, and from the workplace to keeping our communities safe, these laws protect all of us. 

Editorial: Is the recession over? It depends
The freefall of the American economy has halted and the worst recession since the 1930s appears to be over — on paper anyway. 

Editorial: RTD willing to learn from its past mistakes
It may be a cliche to say that if you don't learn from history, you will repeat it. But it's true, and it's crazy to repeat mistakes when you're dealing with a massive project that costs billions. 

Dan Haley: No new taxes
Faced with a $120 million budget shortfall, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, slashed government. 

Vincent Carroll: A tale of two candidates
The first thing you'll notice about Jane Norton's biography on her U.S. Senate campaign website is that it's nearly unreadable. The text is stilted and leaden, and fails to distinguish meaningful facts from trivia. 

John Andrews: Let parties compete locally
Some ideas are so dumb, they could only be published in The New York Times. 



Each morning I wake up happy and mostly healthy in Craig, a town of 9,189. When I moved here in 1996, my new hometown had eight family doctors serving the far-flung, hardy inhabitants of Moffat County.  
As our nation collectively debates health care reform, it is crucial that lawmakers strive to advance policies that improve our system without compromising quality patient care. 
Three decades ago, Marvin Gaye asked the question being asked across the country these days, in one form or another.  
As one of those vile cultural elitists who cares about our language, I feel compelled to address certain annoying locutions. 
There's a story going around that's so scary it ought to be told only in a whisper.  
Healthcare RX
Name That Toon: September 20
Contest deadline is 3 p.m. Friday


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