Washington D.C. Politics News

Updated: September 16, 2009 1:38:15 AM MDT
denver and the west
Bennet's staff struggled for terror updates
As news broke of a possible terrorist cell in Denver, Colorado's lawmakers worked furiously to reassure the public that they knew what was going on and that the situation was under control. 
A difficult quest for compromise
President Barack Obama on Wednesday night laid out his most specific vision yet of what he wants in health care reform, but on perhaps the most delicate issue — the fate of a government-run insurance plan — he fudged. 

Greens, new-energy backers at odds over use of desert
If the vast creosote-covered plain that is California's Mojave Desert represents to some the grand potential of America's renewable-energy future, Jim Harvey sees something else. 

Colorado lawmakers brace for health care fight that moves to their home districts
Now that Congress has missed the chance to pass health care reform before the summer recess, the reform battle could be won or lost not in Washington's hallowed halls but in lawmakers' home districts during August. 

Nation studies Western Slope's low-cost, high-quality care
Lawmakers struggling to unclog negotiations over sweeping health care reform are focusing on a handful of areas in the country that seem to have cracked the health care code by delivering high-quality care at a bargain price. Among the most prominent is Grand Junction. 

Gun-rights expansion fails
Republicans in the U.S. Senate came within a hair's-breadth of passing a controversial expansion of gun rights Wednesday, an effort helped along by a massive defection of Western Democrats, including both senators from Colorado. 

Deficit actions defining Sen. Bennet
As he defines his still fuzzy political persona, Sen. Michael Bennet is honing in on the words "deficit hawk," with two significant moves in that direction this week. 

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