Colorado Perspective

Winds of change for rural medicine
Sixty-five million Americans live in areas where health care providers are unevenly distributed or too few. And as the population ages and doctors concentrate in urban areas, the problem will only grow worse.
Each morning I wake up happy and mostly healthy in Craig, a town of 9,189. When I moved here in 1996, my new hometown had eight family doctors serving the far-flung, hardy inhabitants of Moffat County. 
Rural access to medical imaging limited
09/18/2009 - As our nation collectively debates health care reform, it is crucial that lawmakers strive to advance policies that improve our system without compromising quality patient care. 

If it's not about race, what's goin' on?
09/18/2009 - Three decades ago, Marvin Gaye asked the question being asked across the country these days, in one form or another. 

Ed Quillen: The locution police
09/18/2009 - As one of those vile cultural elitists who cares about our language, I feel compelled to address certain annoying locutions. 

Scary California stories aren't true
09/18/2009 - There's a story going around that's so scary it ought to be told only in a whisper. 

Charter schools: They're growing in popularity
09/11/2009 - In last year's presidential campaign, both major candidates pledged their support for the nation's 4,000-plus charter schools. Since then, President Barack Obama has been a vocal champion for continued expansion of the nation's charter school sector. 

Charter schools: They're not better for our kids
09/11/2009 - Charter schools are not better than regular schools. They are publicly funded, but operate independently of any voter accountability. Charters constitute the growing privatized school movement that the Obama administration would like to see flourish.  

Are charter proponents hijacking legislative panel?
09/11/2009 - All eyes are on State Rep. Karen Middleton as she shepherds the Interim School Finance Committee. Can she prevent it from being commandeered by corporate charter interests? 

Mortgage by the Hawaiian shirt guy
09/11/2009 - It was the story of our time back then, in the more robust days of 2004 and 2005. I had a stable job, newspapers were still doing OK. I had lived in Denver for a few years and figured I'd stay here a few longer. 

Let 'em go, governor
09/11/2009 - Gov. Bill Ritter's plan to relieve Colorado's budget woes by releasing prisoners has reportedly met enthusiastic approval at the state penitentiary in Cañon City.  

Myths and misconceptions: World health care
09/04/2009 - As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world.  

Myths and misconceptions: End-of-life issues
09/04/2009 - It is too late to save the nation's health care debate from being sidetracked by the specter of government "death panels" determining who lives and who dies. 

Some of our mothers were "green" long ago
09/04/2009 - The party had reached that point in the evening when the guys were doing their guy thing, and a few women ended up on sitting on the couches, forgotten like single socks at the laundromat. 

Ed Quillen: Labor Day road trip
09/04/2009 - Coloradans love holiday road trips. And since it's Labor Day weekend, why not honor the occasion and enlarge your carbon footprint with a Colorado Labor War historic tour? 

John Andrews: Defense gets short shrift
09/04/2009 - A big reason why the president and congressional Democrats fear losses in 2010 is not just their unpopular health care takeover. It's that many Americans neither feel safer nor richer in September of the young hero's first year. 

The lost juvies
08/28/2009 - Youth offenders given sentences of life without the chance of parole may yet have a shot at release. But are we doing enough for them? 

Deadly sentences for juveniles
08/28/2009 - Statewide, about 100 kids are confined in jail every year while awaiting trial. The average case takes about 180 days to be resolved. Although these kids have been charged with serious crimes, six months in jail awaiting trail could prove to be a death sentence. 

Deja vu on nation's energy policy
08/28/2009 - I sat in the White House Cabinet room as the president and his advisers formulated their official plan to garner half of America's energy from solar and conservation by 2020.  

Ed Quillen: Public and private
08/28/2009 - When President Barack Obama held a health care "town hall" in Grand Junction a couple of weeks ago, he got a question from a college student. 

Tom Noel: Digging up history in southeastern Colorado
08/28/2009 - Before the summer is over, consider exploring Colorado's off-the-beaten-path tourist frontier: the Arkansas Valley. Out southeast you find lonely highways, low prices, full plates and glasses filled to the rim. 

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