Updated: July 17, 2009 3:31:05 PM MDT
denver and the west
Sen. Bennet takes in another $1.2 million
Challenger Cory Gardner nips at Rep. Betsy Markey as fundraising for 2010 gears up.
Freshman Democrat U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet nearly matched his monumental fundraising haul from the first quarter. The two most-watched GOP gubernatorial candidates' coffers remain a mystery.  
Amendment limiting campaign contributions takes hit in court
A voter-approved amendment that's helped slow campaign contributions in Colorado was temporarily lifted today by a Denver District Court Judge who several times called the rules discriminatory and confusing.  

Amendment 54 cuts political giving
Political fundraising in Colorado had an end-of-2008 rush, then slowed dramatically as 2009 brought a voter-approved ban on contributions from certain government contractors and their kin. 

U.S. Sen. Bennet's donors deliver
Michael Bennet's record U.S. Senate fundraising pace is built on out-of-state donations, Colorado donors concentrated in Denver, and well-heeled associates from his past endeavors in politics and business. 

Markey sets fundraising record for a freshman
Congresswoman Betsy Markey is the latest freshman to break a Colorado fundraising record after her first three months in office. 

Bennet's donors dig deep, set record
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet raised $1.37 million in the first three months of 2009, a record for a Colorado Senate candidate in an off-year before an election. 

Bailout firms pay big to D.C.
After the biggest federal bailouts in U.S. history, top Washington lawmakers are largely unwilling to say whether they will continue to accept campaign contributions from some of their biggest donors. 

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