Health Care Business News

Study: Flu viruses can spark heart attacks
09/21/2009 06:49 PM MDT - LONDON—Heart patients who catch the flu may have more to worry about than just a fever or the sniffles: the virus could also spark a heart attack, new research shows. Full Story

Study tries to detect flu before the first sneeze
09/21/2009 04:07 PM MDT - WASHINGTON—Coughed on by somebody with the flu? Duke University researchers are developing a test to determine—with a mere drop of blood—who will get sick before the sniffling and fever set in. Full Story

US orders more lots more swine flu vaccine
09/21/2009 01:24 PM MDT - WASHINGTON—U.S. health officials have ordered more swine flu vaccine—bringing the nation's eventual total to 251 million doses. Full Story

Spread unlikely after possible plague-linked death
09/21/2009 12:55 PM MDT - CHICAGO—There's no sign of any spread after the rare, possibly plague-related death of a University of Chicago scientist, public health officials said Monday as federal authorities flew in to help investigate. Full Story

Sanofi to deliver swine flu vaccine in October
09/21/2009 11:36 AM MDT - PARIS—Sanofi-Aventis SA will begin delivering the first doses of its new swine flu vaccine in the United States by mid-October, the head of France's largest pharmaceutical company said Monday. Full Story

Who needs which flu vaccine?
09/21/2009 10:10 AM MDT - Who needs vaccine against regular winter flu, and who should be first in line for the swine flu shot? Full Story

Govt: 1 swine flu shot enough for older kids
09/21/2009 02:56 PM MDT - WASHINGTON—Studies of the new swine flu vaccine show children 10 and older will need just one shot for protection—but younger kids almost certainly will need two. Full Story

Researchers: Aspirin cuts colon cancer risk
09/21/2009 05:41 AM MDT - LONDON—People with a genetic susceptibility to colon cancer could cut their chances of developing the disease in half by taking a daily dose of aspirin, researchers said Monday. Full Story

Report: 35 million-plus worldwide have dementia
09/21/2009 04:28 AM MDT - WASHINGTON—More than 35 million people around the world are living with Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia, says the most in-depth attempt yet to assess the brain-destroying illness—and it's an ominous forecast as the population grays. Full Story

Report: 35 million-plus worldwide have dementia
09/20/2009 10:31 PM MDT - WASHINGTON—More than 35 million people around the world are living with Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia, says the most in-depth attempt yet to assess the brain-destroying illness—and it's an ominous forecast as the population grays. Full Story

Obama to Congress: 'Time for bickering is over'
09/09/2009 - Shaking off a summer of setbacks, President Barack Obama summoned Congress to enact sweeping health care legislation Wednesday night, declaring the "time for bickering is over" and the moment has arrived to protect millions who have unreliable insurance or no coverage at all. 

Health care debate rife with distortions
08/19/2009 - WASHINGTON — Confusing claims and outright distortions have animated the national debate over changes in the health care system. 

Denver's National Jewish hospital gets $10 million gift
07/16/2009 - National Jewish Health has received nearly $10 million from the estate of fantasy author David Eddings, the largest single gift in the hospital's history. 

Health care reform cannot be half a loaf
06/27/2009 - When it comes to domestic policy, there are two Barack Obamas. 

Green and fast MRI technology
06/27/2009 - LONGMONT, Colo.—With magnetic pull about 30,000 times the power of this planet's magnetic field, earlier magnetic resonance imaging scanners presented a certain science fiction-like 

Homeopathy and potential hazards
06/18/2009 - The unsettling little secret of Zicam Cold Remedy finally spilled out this week. Though widely sold for years as a drug for colds, it was never tested by federal regulators for safety like other drugs. And that was perfectly legal — until scores of consumers lost their sense of smell. 

Push for health insurance plan is on, but insurance companies need to be monitored
06/06/2009 - "I appreciate your efforts, and look forward to working with you so that the Congress can complete health care reform by October." 

Arbitrator rejects Exempla sale
06/06/2009 - The proposed sale of two Colorado hospitals to a Catholic health organization has been rejected by an arbitrator. 

New law lured DaVita
06/01/2009 - A new state law was critical in the decision by the country's largest kidney-dialysis provider to move its corporate headquarters to Colorado. 

Lakewood firm has four-year relationship with DaVita
05/27/2009 - A global medical technology company based in Lakewood has had a four-year relationship with DaVita Inc. 


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