Learning Small Ways to Make a Big Difference with Child Hunger at Food Bank of the Rockies
Amber Johnson | May 2, 2011 – 7:03 am | 11 Comments

I’ve suffered through enough diets to have a small idea of what hunger feels like.
Many people don’t have a choice. One out of eight Coloradoans live with hunger every day and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Forty-two percent are children under 18 years old.
A handful of Mile High Mamas and their [...]

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On Being a Good (and Bad) Mother
May 2, 2011 – 3:00 pm | 62 Comments

On Being a Good (and Bad) Mother

Every year, mothers are celebrated on that one special May day (which is not to be confused with “mayday,” another word with which mamas are familiar).

And every year growing up, I remember my mother was consumed with guilt and inadequacy, the very antithesis of what Mother’s Day is supposed to be about. Was she the perfect mom? Of course not. None of us are. But she loved, sacrificed and cared for her children as best she could.

A couple of years ago, I was at a resale children’s clothing store. As I poked around, the shopkeeper asked the age of my son and she confided she had a boy his same age. At check-out, I grabbed both of my children a free sucker to reward them for their good behavior. She looked at me and distastefully commented,

“I just can’t imagine giving my 21-month-old child a sucker.”

I laughed her off but almost wished I had said something like, “Yeah, I feed him straight sugar via intravenous for breakfast.”

As I walked out of the store, I was irate. How dare she criticize me? At that same moment, I noticed a very tan, very pregnant woman leaving the adjacent tanning salon. Immediately, I placed judgment as I incredulously thought, “I can’t believe she is doing that!”

I stopped myself. I did not know that woman. I did not know her circumstances. For all I knew, she had just received a spray-on tan or her skin was naturally that color.

Being a bad mother does not mean you give your child a sucker. It does not mean that you feed your baby formula instead of breastfeeding or that you choose to work instead of stay home. Being a bad mother is not about using disposable vs. cloth diapers or failing to feed your child organic food. Religion (or lack of it) does not make you a bad mother, either.

Don’t get me wrong. There are bad mothers out there. I was recently lead to a fantastic blog post by Sabrina Porterfield on this very subject:

“There are women out there who are bad mothers. There are mothers shooting up while their children die of starvation and neglect in the next room. There are mothers out there who stuff a pillow over their heads so they don’t have to listen to the whimpers from their 8 year olds while their fathers sodomize them. There are mothers out there who abandon their children on the street because they no longer wish to care for them. There are women who slowly twist their children’s limbs until they snap while their children cry and beg, promising to be good.

Bad mothers.


But most of us are not.

At some point along the line, women in the Western world stopped trusting their instincts. We began to listen to Read the full story »

Popularity: 25% [?]

Thank you for throwing dirt!
May 1, 2011 – 7:00 am | 2 Comments
Thank you for throwing dirt!

I attended my first Sox tee ball game this month and now have been to three.
I have to say, I have never laughed so hard.
The Sox’s second baseman is none other than my boyfriend’s 5-year-old nephew and when he is actually paying attention to the game he is pretty darn good.
The rest of the time [...]

Let your kids’ entrepreneurial skills soar with Lemonade Day
April 30, 2011 – 7:00 am | No Comment
Let your kids’ entrepreneurial skills soar with Lemonade Day

Mobs of metro-area kids will be out to show that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, during Lemonade Day on May 22.
Hordes of lemonade stands throughout metro Denver — the goal is to set up 5,000 small businesses — will participate in the community-wide event dedicated to teaching children how to start, own and [...]

The Cloth Diaper Switch: And I thought AIO was a type of gun
April 29, 2011 – 7:01 am | 16 Comments
The Cloth Diaper Switch: And I thought AIO was a type of gun

The other day my husband asked me if we were hippies,”We moved up to the mountains, try to grow our own food, eat mostly organic, you gave birth without pain relief, and now we cloth diaper?”
Well, maybe we are.
Don’t let me fool you. I think taking care of our earth is very [...]

Happily ever after: Princesses rule, thanks to imaginations, merchandising
April 28, 2011 – 6:59 am | 1 Comment
Happily ever after: Princesses rule, thanks to imaginations, merchandising

Kate Middleton will turn into a princess Friday.
For little girls across America, she’s living the dream.
A familiar one.
Youngsters have bonded with tiara-wearers for generations. But today — with entire aisles of big- box stores devoted to princess bling, with princess-themed parties and movies — the path from commoner to coronation has become a routine fantasy.
For [...]

Fresh Look for Summer – Divine Beauty Tips Unveiled
April 28, 2011 – 6:55 am | 5 Comments
Fresh Look for Summer – Divine Beauty Tips Unveiled

This is it…the secret vault of mommy makeovers. I’ve unknowingly been working on this for years, sporadically, and with research in the form of frumpy, fried phone calls (sometimes tears) and over coffee with my yaya sisterhood of girlfriends.

Event round-up: Cinco de Mayo, Touch-A-Truck & Tapir Day!
April 27, 2011 – 10:41 am | No Comment
Event round-up: Cinco de Mayo, Touch-A-Truck & Tapir Day!

Saturday. Is it a pig? Is it a hippo? Is it an anteater? Nope, it’s a tapir, and he gets his own holiday: The Denver Zoo celebrates World Tapir Day on Saturday. Visit the zoo’s two Malayan tapirs, Rinny and Benny, and learn all about these thick-skinned grazers from South America and Asia. Also, get [...]

Are Our Children in a “Race to Nowhere” Through the Education System?
April 27, 2011 – 7:00 am | 15 Comments
Are Our Children in a “Race to Nowhere” Through the Education System?

A few months ago, the mom taxi was running strong. One of us had at least one thing to do every single night of the week. Trying to schedule a play date or just take a breath was next to impossible.
I decided I was running my family into the ground. We were all headed for [...]