
Press Briefing By Mike Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor For International Economic Affairs


Gaggle By Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Aboard Air Force One En Route Rome, Italy 07/08/2009


Statement by the President on Health Care Reform Bill Released by Senate HELP Committee Today

For decades, Washington has failed to act as health care costs continued to rise, crushing businesses, families and placing an unsustainable burden on governments. Today the Senate HELP committee has produced legislation that lowers costs, protects choice of doctors and plans and assures quality and affordable health care for Americans.


President Obama Announces Rural Tour with Cabinet Secretaries and Administration Officials

Today, President Obama announced the launch of his Administration’s Rural Tour. This summer, over the course of the next few weeks and months, top Administration officials, including Cabinet Secretaries, will fan out across the nation to hold a series of discussions on how communities, states, and the federal government can work together to help strengthen rural America.


Remarks By the President at National Finance Committee Event


Statement By The President On House Passage Of The American Clean Energy And Security Act

Today, the House of Representatives took historic action with the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act. It's a bold and necessary step that holds the promise of creating new industries and millions of new jobs; decreasing our dangerous dependence on foreign oil; and strictly limiting the release of pollutants that threaten the health of families and communities and the planet itself.


Statement by Vice President Biden on Economic Indicators Released Today

We have a long way to go on the road to recovery, but I am encouraged by the news today that consumer confidence has continued to improve, spending rose last month, and Recovery Act benefits


White House Task Force on Middle Class Families Holds Meeting in Ohio on American Manufacturing in the 21st Century

As part of the administration’s commitment to support manufacturing communities and workers, Vice President Biden today chaired the fifth meeting of the White House Task Force on Middle Class Families, called "Promoting American Manufacturing in the 21st Century."


Remarks by the President on the Medicare Part D "Doughnut Hole" and AARP Endorsement


Statement from President Obama on Agreement to Bring Down Drug Prices for America's Seniors

I am pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached between Senator Max Baucus and the nation's pharmaceutical companies that will bring down health care costs and reduce the price of prescription drugs for millions of America's seniors.

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