
President Obama Lays Out Strategy for American Innovation

President Obama will visit Hudson Valley Community College today where he will tour a technology classroom, visit a lab and deliver remarks on his commitment to fostering new jobs, new businesses, and new industries by laying the groundwork and the ground rules to best tap our innovative potential.


Excerpts from NEC Director Lawrence Summers Remarks at Georgetown University Today

The recovery program, the fiscal stimulus, and the financial stress tests have served to quell panic, drive private capital raising, and ultimately pull us out of the vicious cycle


Joint statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Harper on accelerating economic recovery and job creation

President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper today discussed common approaches to accelerating economic recovery, in North America and globally.


Remarks by the President on Financial Rescue and Reform at Federal Hall


MONDAY: President Obama to Deliver Major Speech on the Financial Crisis

One year to the day after Lehman Brothers collapsed and precipitated a financial crisis that reverberated across the globe, President Obama will deliver a major speech on the financial crisis at Federal Hall in New York City at midday on Monday.


Council of Economic Advisers Releases Report to Congress on the Economic Impact of the Recovery Act

The Council of Economic Advisers today released "The Economic Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009," the first in a series of quarterly reports CEA is charged with providing to Congress on the effects of the Recovery Act on the economy, and employment in particular.


Message from the President regarding a tax treaty with France

I transmit herewith, for the advice and consent of the Senate to its ratification, the Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Paris on August 21, 1994, as Amended by the Protocol signed on December 8, 2004, signed January 13, 2009, at Paris, together with a related Memorandum of Understanding, signed January 13, 2009 (the "proposed Protocol").


Vice President Biden Announces Additional Recovery Act 200th Day Accomplishments

Vice President Joe Biden today announced that the Administration obligated $151 billion in Recovery Act funds, including taxes, in the second 100 day period of the Recovery Act - more than doubling the total amount obligated in the first 100 day period for a cumulative total of $299.9 billion currently being put to work.


Presidential Determination of Assistance to the Economic Community of Central African States


Background On AFL CIO Labor Day Picnic

On Monday, President Barack Obama will address the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic in Cincinnati, OH.

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