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Reports on Health Reform

Learn how the current system has failed millions of Americans and what President Obama’s Administration is doing to work with congress to enact comprehensive health reform this year. Read our reports:

Young adults are a cohort that often times falls through the cracks in our broken health care system. A mainstay of coverage for children – dependent coverage under a parent’s employer heath plan – can vanish overnight after a teenager’s nineteenth birthday. As health care costs skyrocket, finding affordable coverage becomes more and more difficult for young adults who are starting their careers and establishing their financial independence.

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Health care costs doubled from 1996 to 2006, and are projected to rise to 25 percent of GDP in 2025.  As a result of skyrocketing health care costs and challenging economic times, Americans are finding stable sources of quality health insurance coverage harder and harder to find.

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While all Americans shoulder the burden of rising health care costs and increasingly inadequate health insurance, the 17 million older women (ages 55-64) and 21 million senior women (ages 65 and older) in America have unique situations and health care needs that make them particularly susceptible to rising costs – at a time in their lives when access to affordable health care is increasingly important.

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America's Seniors and Health Insurance Reform

Rising health care costs, persistent gaps in the use of recommended services, and the threat of Medicare insolvency all undermine the health care that the program’s beneficiaries need and deserve. Health insurance reform will serve to strengthen the health care that our seniors receive.

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out of pocket
Americans pay more for health care each year but get less coverage and fewer services for the premiums they pay. Health insurance premiums have nearly doubled since 2000, a rate three times faster than wages, yet rising premiums are only one of the ways families shoulder the burden of rising health care costs.

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Coverage Denied: How the Current Health Insurance System Leaves Millions Behind

Insurance discrimination based on pre-existing conditions makes adequate health insurance unavailable to millions of Americans. A new report Coverage Denied: How the Current Health Insurance System Leaves Millions Behind details how insurance companies can deny them coverage, charge higher premiums, and/or refuse to cover that particular medical condition.

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WISEWOMAN is a community intervention program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that helps prevent heart disease and stroke by providing screenings and counseling for low-income women. A new report A Success Story in American Health Care: Community-Based Prevention in Nebraska details the program.

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A Success Story in American Health Care Report

A joint partnership between the Michigan Health & Hospital Association and the Johns Hopkins University, the Michigan Keystone ICU Project helped dramatically reduce the number of health care associated infections in Michigan, saving over 1,500 lives and $200 million. A new report A Success Story in American Health Care: Eliminating Infections & Saving Lives in Michigan highlights the project.

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Online Series on Health Reform

The Health Care Status Quo in Your State
On Friday, 6/26, Secretary Sebelius announced a new series of health care reports for each state, "The Health Care Status Quo". Each of the 50 reports highlights the current status of health care and the need for reform this year.


Hidden Costs of Health Care: Why Americans are Paying More but Getting Less

Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have nearly doubled since 2000, a rate three times faster than wages. In 2008, the average premium for a family plan purchased through an employer was $12,680, nearly the annual earnings of a full-time minimum wage job. Americans pay more than ever for health insurance, but get less coverage. A new report Hidden Costs of Health Care: Why Americans are Paying More but Getting Less details the rise in health care costs.

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Health Disparities: A Case for Closing the Gap

Despite consistent increases in spending, disparities among demographic groups persist. Low-income Americans and racial and ethnic minorities experience disproportionately higher rates of disease, fewer treatment options, and reduced access to care. With unemployment on the rise, the disparities already apparent among these groups will continue to increase.  A new report Health Disparities: A Case for Closing the Gap demonstrates the need for reform.

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Roadblocks to Health Care: Why the Current Health Care System does not work for Women

The current health care system does not work for women.  A new report Roadblocks to Health Care: Why the Current Health Care System does not work for Women explains how the system leaves too many women without access to coverage for care.

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Hard Times in the Heartland - Health Care in Rural America

Throughout rural America, there are nearly 50 million people who face challenges in accessing health care. Hard Times in the Heartland provides insight into the current state of health care in rural areas and the critical need for health care reform.

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Helping the Bottom Line - Health Reform and Small Business

Across the country, small businesses are struggling as the cost of health care continues to skyrocket. Americans who build and run the millions of small companies around this country have seen insurance costs consume a greater share of their payroll. High costs are making it impossible for many small businesses to provide insurance to their employees. Helping the Bottom Line: Health Reform and Small Business, provides important information on how the high cost of health care burdens small businesses, weakens our economy and leaves millions of Americans without the affordable health care they need and deserve.

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The Costs of Inaction - the Urgent Need for Health Reform

Americans across the country are demanding comprehensive health reform and cannot afford to wait any longer for Washington to act. Businesses and families are struggling as costs continue to skyrocket. The report highlights the flaws in the health care system, demonstrates the cost of maintaining the status quo, shows how the current system has failed millions of Americans and why we must enact comprehensive health reform this year.

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White House Reports on Health Reform


"What's in Reform for My Community?"

Whether you are insured or uninsured; young or old; married or single—there is something in health insurance reform for you. Download and share these fliers with others in your community to get the facts out about how reform helps all Americans.

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The Economic Effects of Health Care Reform on Small Businesses and Their Employees

cover of report The Economic Effects of Health Care Reform on Small Businesses and Their Employees

This July 2009 report from the Council of Economic Advisers examines the health care challenges faced by small businesses and their employees as well as the benefits of health reform for small businesses and their employees.

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Why Middle Class Americans Need Health Reform

cover of report Why Middle Class Americans Need Health Reform

Rising costs, rising rates of uninsured, and reduced access to care all demonstrate that the current health care system does not work for middle class families. This report from the Vice President’s Middle Class Task Force highlights the struggles that middle class Americans face in the current health care system.

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The Economic Case for Health Care Reform

cover of report The Economic Case for Health Care Reform

This June 2009 report from the Council of Economic Advisers provides an overview of current economic impacts of health care in the United States, forecasts where we are headed in the absence of reform, analyzes inefficiencies and market failures in the current health care system, and explains why health reform is vital for the future of the American economy.

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White House Forum on Health Reform

cover of report White House Forum on Health Reform Report

President Obama brought together leaders with diverse views at the White House Forum on Health Reform. The White House issued a report highlighting the productive discussions from the event.

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Americans Speak on Health Reform: Report on Health Care Community Discussions

cover of report Americans Speak on Health Reform

The recommendations from more than 3,200 Health Care Community Discussions were systematically analyzed to compile the report, Americans Speak on Health Reform.

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HHS Reports


Reports on National Healthcare Quality and Health Disparities

AHRQ Report

Published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the annual 2008 National Healthcare Quality Report and 2008 National Healthcare Disparities Report indicate that patient safety measures have worsened and that a substantial number of Americans do not receive recommended care.


“The status quo is unsustainable and we cannot allow millions of Americans to continue to go without the care they need and deserve.”

--Secretary Sebelius


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