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Medicaid/CHIP: Long-Term Care
Money Follows the Person Demonstration: An Early Implementation Snapshot
This issue brief examines the early successes and challenges of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration, a Medicaid initiative enacted into law in 2006 and implemented the following year that helps states rebalance their Medicaid long-term care programs by providing more services in the community and fewer in institutional settings.
Key Issues in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services
Two briefs examine current issues in providing more people who need long-term care services and supports access to these Medicaid services in home and community-based settings rather than in institutional ones.
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Key Issues in Medicaid and Home and Community-Based Services and Support -- September 2009 KCMU Material
These briefs examine current issues in providing more people who need long-term care services and supports access to these Medicaid services in home and community-based settings rather than in institutional ones.
Health Reform Opportunities: Improving Policy for Dual Eligibles -- August 2009
This brief provides an overview of opportunities under health reform to realign federal and state policy for the dual eligibles to promote a more rational, cost-efficient system for 9 million of the poorest, sickest and highest-cost people covered by both Medicaid and Medicare.
Money Follows the Person: An Early Implementation Snapshot -- June 2009 KCMU Material
This issue brief examines the early successes and challenges of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration, a Medicaid initiative enacted into law in 2006 that gives states enhanced federal support to balance their Medicaid long-term care programs by providing more services in the community and fewer in institutional settings.
Examing the Role of Private Long-Term Care Insurance in the Financing of Long-Term Care -- June 2009
This policy brief and related congressional testimony examine the fundamentals of private long-term care insurance, including how consumers buy policies, how much policies cost and how they work, and what regulations exist to protect consumers. They also discuss the challenges of possibly enlarging the role of private long-term care insurance in financing long-term care.
Closing the Long-Term Care Funding Gap: The Challenge of Private Long-Term Care Insurance -- June 2009 KCMU Material
This policy brief examines the fundamentals of private long-term care insurance, including how consumers buy policies, how much policies cost and how they work, and what regulations exist to protect consumers. It also discuss the challenges of possibly enlarging the role of private long-term care insurance in financing long-term care
Filling In The Long-Term Care Gaps -- June 2009 KCMU Material
At a June 3 hearing of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, Diane Rowland, Executive Vice President of the Kaiser Family Foundation and Executive Director on the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified on the key challenges to providing a larger role for private long-term care insurance in financing long-term care for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Medicaid and Long-Term Care Services and Supports -- February 2009 KCMU Material
This fact sheet provides an overview of long-term care services, delivery of such services, and the large role Medicaid plays in financing long-term care.
Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs - Data Update -- December 2008 KCMU Material
This report presents a summary of the main trends to emerge from the latest (2005) spending and participant data for the three Medicaid HCBS programs and the results of a survey of policies such as eligibility criteria and waiting lists.
Medicaid: A Primer 2008 -- December 2008
The primer provides an overview of the basic components of Medicaid, the nation's largest health coverage program, which covers 59 million low-income individuals, including children and families, people with disabilities and the elderly who are also covered by Medicare.
The Medicaid Program at a Glance - UPDATE -- November 2008 KCMU Material
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicaid program, the populations that it serves and the services that it covers.
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Long-Term Care
Medicaid is the major source of financing for long-term care for the elderly and persons with disabilities, accounting for 42 percent of national spending on long-term care and almost 50 percent of spending on nursing home care. Medicaid provides critical assistance to people with long-term care needs in the community and nursing homes, covering services often excluded from Medicare and private insurance.


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