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CHIP TIPS: New Opportunities For Covering Children Under Medicaid and CHIP
A new series of implementation briefs called “CHIP Tips” examines opportunities for covering children following the reauthorization and expansion of CHIP in February 2009. The series is jointly produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and the Center for Children and Families at the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.
Medicaid Expenditures Increased by 5.3 percent in 2007, Led By Acute Care Spending Growth
This brief presents analysis of the latest available Medicaid spending and enrollment data to examine recent trends in program enrollment, total spending, spending by service, and spending per enrollee. The focus is on spending changes between 2006 and 2007, with historical context also provided.
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Key Issues in Medicaid and Home and Community-Based Services and Support -- September 2009 KCMU Material
These briefs examine current issues in providing more people who need long-term care services and supports access to these Medicaid services in home and community-based settings rather than in institutional ones.
Medicaid Expenditures Increased by 5.3% in 2007, Led By Acute Care Spending Growth -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This brief presents analysis of the latest available Medicaid spending and enrollment data to examine recent trends in program enrollment, total spending, spending by service, and spending per enrollee. The focus is on spending changes between 2006 and 2007, with historical context also provided.
Medicaid Enrollment in 50 States: June 2008 Data Update -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This data update shows that in June 2008, 43.5 million individuals were enrolled in Medicaid in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, a 3.0 percent increase from the previous June. The increase represents a major reversal from the 0.6 percent decline from June 2006 to June 2007.
CHIP Enrollment: June 2008 Data Snapshot -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This report provides the latest data on Children's Health Insurance Program enrollment and policy trends nationally and across the states through June 2008.
Matching Health Benefit Packages to Health Needs: Key Issues To Consider In Health Reform -- September 2009 Video/Audio
Three reports and a video examine the range of health care needs and costs that people face today against the backdrop of the scope of health coverage that may be available to them under health reform.
Video: Oral Histories: Report from a Dental Fair -- September 2009 Video/Audio
This video, a companion to a report of the same title, profiles patients attending a dental fair in rural Virginia and highlights the impact of lack of coverage for oral health services on adults. Uninsured adults have vast oral care needs, and untreated dental problems can have serious health, employment and social consequences, highlighting the relationship between inadequate benefits and unmet health needs.
Children and Health Care Reform: Assuring Coverage That Meets Their Health Care Needs -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This issue brief examines the health care needs and health costs of children and analyzes the specific health care needs of two children in particular, including one with serious health challenges, against the backdrop of the health coverage that may be available under health reform.
Individuals with Special Needs and Health Reform: Adequacy of Health Insurance Coverage -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This issue brief examines the health care needs and health costs of individuals with special health challenges, focusing on those with low-to-moderate incomes, against the backdrop of the health coverage that may be available under health reform.
Massachusetts Health Care Reform: Three Years Later -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This fact sheet describes the basic components of the landmark Massachusetts health reform law, examines how many people have gained coverage and discusses cost containment and affordability goals and implementation challenges.
Health Reform:  Lessons From Massachusetts -- September 2009 KCMU Material
Two reports and an updated fact sheet examine state-level health reform in Massachusetts and the lessons it offers for policymakers in Washington.
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Medicaid is the nation's public health insurance program for low-income Americans, financing health and long term care services for more than 55 million individuals. The program provides access to affordable and comprehensive health care for children and adults in low-income working families and for the elderly and disabled who often rely on the program to fill in critical gaps in their Medicare coverage. Although three quarters of Medicaid's enrollees are adults or children, the elderly and disabled account for 70% of the program's expenditures. Financed and operated jointly by the states and federal government, Medicaid accounts for roughly one sixth of the nation’s health care spending and almost half of all spending on long term care. As the largest source of federal support to the states, Medicaid is also a major engine in state economies, supporting millions of jobs across the country. Its guarantee of open-ended federal financing that matches state spending enables states to respond to losses of private health insurance attributable to unemployment and rising health insurance premiums, increases in health care costs, emergencies and disasters, and an aging society.

The State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was enacted in 1997 to provide a capped amount of federal matching funds to states for coverage of children and some parents with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid, but for whom private health insurance was either unavailable or unaffordable. Covering roughly four million children, CHIP has played an important role in reducing the number of uninsured children in America.

This section provides data and information on the Medicaid and CHIP programs with a focus on the populations they serve. Analyses of proposals to restructure these programs, data from surveys, studies of the impact of recent programmatic changes on beneficiaries, and basic information on how the programs operate and are administered can all be found here. These materials can help to inform discussions of reform proposals and efforts to improve and maintain health coverage and financing for the low-income disabled and elderly populations, families, and children who are left out of our country’s fragmented, employer-based health care system.

The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured is the main source for the Foundation's work related to the Medicaid and CHIP programs. Begun in 1991, the Commission is the largest operating program of Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and has brought increased analysis and attention to health coverage issues facing the low-income population for over a decade. Through its reports and briefings, the Commission continues to provide up-to-date information on Medicaid and CHIP and assesses options for reform.



Search Medicaid/SCHIP Only
Advanced SearchHelp provides information that can be used as part of an academic course or as an additional source for independent research, featuring a Tutorial on children’s health insurance coverage and a Reference Library on the basics of Medicaid.

The Medicaid Resource Book
A reference book describing four pivotal aspects of how the Medicaid program operates -- who it covers, what it covers, how it is financed, and how it is administered.
Medicaid at a Glance
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicaid program, the populations that it serves, and the services that it covers.
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