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Secretary Clinton Delivers an Overview of UN General Assembly Agenda
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 18): "As President Obama leads our U.S. delegation at this year’s General Assembly, I hope we can demonstrate that the United Nations does not have to be just a diplomatic talk shop on First Avenue. At its best, it can be an institution that brings the world’s nations together to solve global problems through adherence to rules and principles set forth in the UN charter. And it is the responsibility of the 192 member nations during the General Assembly and beyond to capitalize on the opportunity for global cooperation and progress that the United Nations affords to each of us." -Full Text -Amb. Rice
Global AIDS Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large Swearing-In Ceremony
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 17): "Public service of the kind that Eric performs every day is never a solo act. It is made possible by a strong support network of family and friends, of colleagues across our country, and indeed, for Eric, across the world. So on behalf of the State Department and the people worldwide whose lives will be saved and touched by Eric’s work and leadership, I really want to thank your family. Because it was no easy decision to uproot yourself and come here to, once again, answer the call of duty. So let’s give a round of applause of gratitude to Eric’s family." -Full Text
MCC Compact With Senegal Will Promote Economic Growth
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 16): "On behalf of the Obama Administration and as the chair of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Board of Directors, I am very pleased to participate in the Signing Ceremony of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact with Senegal.  The relationship between our two countries is based on a shared commitment to economic freedom and access to opportunity.  Senegal’s progress in promoting these principles has given rise to the Compact we sign today." -Full Text

In Other News

Date: 09/18/2009 Description: Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs poses with Japan's new Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada at the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo, on Friday, Sept. 18, 2009. © AP Image
U.S.-Japan Alliance
Assistant Secretary Campbell
(Sept. 18):
"Overall, I think we are in a very good track to maintain an extraordinarily close relationship in the months ahead. Next year is our 50th anniversary, and we want to take special efforts not only to look back at what we’ve accomplished, but also to look at the issues that we can work on together going forward. I think we recognize also that for this alliance to maintain its vitality and its importance, it has to embrace change and we welcome a strong dialogue, an open dialogue with the new DPJ government in the months ahead. That's the general approach." -Full Text -View Video 
Date: 03/24/2009 Description: Great Seal State Dept Photo
U.S. Extends Condolences for Deaths in Kabul
Assistant Secretary Crowley
(Sept. 17):
"We are deeply saddened at the loss of life of the brutal attack in Afghanistan today. And we extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the victims that resulted in – the incident resulted in multiple Afghan and Italian deaths, as well as numerous injuries. But we remain united in our commitment to defeat the extremist elements whose intentions are to destroy the freedom and dignity to which all people are entitled." -Full Text
Date: 09/17/2009 Location: Washington, DC Description: Secretary Clinton meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet in the Treaty Room of the U.S. Department of State. © State Dept Image
U.S. Values Relationship With Estonia
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 17): "Well, I’m delighted to welcome Estonia’s foreign minister here. And on behalf of the Obama Administration and our country, we value our relationship with Estonia. We are allies in NATO. And I want to publicly thank Estonia for your contributions and assistance in Afghanistan, for the sacrifice and service of your troops, and for the solidarity you have demonstrated within NATO and on a bilateral basis." -Full Text -View Video
Date: 09/15/2009 Location: Washington, DC Description: Secretary Clinton Hosts Annual State Department Iftar Dinner in the Benjamin Franklin Room. © State Dept Image
Secretary Clinton Hosts Annual State Department Iftar Dinner
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 15): "This is an exciting evening for me. I think that American embassies have been holding Iftars for decades. Our diplomatic posts have held hundreds of events to celebrate Ramadan this year alone. And I am proud that we have so many Muslims serving in our Foreign Service and our Civil Service who are playing an important role in advancing our nation’s foreign policy interests and strengthening the bonds of cooperation and understanding with Muslims at home and abroad." -Full Text -View Video -Secrerary's Eid-ul-Fitr Message
Date: 09/03/2009 Description: A U.S. Navy boarding team carefully approaches a suspected pirate vessel.  © Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy
Taking Diplomatic Action Against Piracy
Assistant Secretary Shapiro
(Sept. 16):
"We are encouraging flag states to push for the implementation of piracy counter-measures in their commercial fleets, and we welcome public commitments to this effort. Indeed, just last week, Cyprus, Japan, Singapore South Korea and the United Kingdom joined the United States in signing the New York Declaration, a non-binding political statement committing ship registry states to promulgate internationally-recognized best management practices to prevent pirate attacks." 
-Full Text 
Date: 09/15/2009 Location: State Department, Treaty Room Description: Secretary Clinton at Swearing-In Ceremony for Farah Pandith Special Representative to Muslim Communities. © State Dept Image
Farah Pandith Is Special Representative to Muslim Communities
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 15): "I did not know Farah before I came to this new position, and I am so pleased that I was able to persuade her to assume this new responsibility, which carries with it a lot of challenges that we’re ready to address together. ...I thank you for encouraging her to be part of public service and for continuing this work for our country here in the State Department. -Full Text -View Video
Date: 09/14/2009 Location: New York City Description: Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer before a high-level session of the of the UN Human Rights Council. UN Image
U.S. Assumes Seat on the UN Human Rights Council
Assistant Secretary Brimmer
(Sept. 14):
"The United States is pleased to join the rest of our colleagues on the Human Rights Council. It is with a sense of mutual respect that we take our place on the Council, next to the friends and partners we will work with to forge common ground on one of the most fundamental roles of the state: to protect and advance human rights." -Full Text 
State Department plaque commemorating those who have died serving at foreign posts. (State Dept. Image)
Extraordinary Service
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 11): "It seems somehow fitting that on this National Day of Mourning, ... we come together to celebrate one man, Terry Barnich, who saw people who needed help and decided to act, who left a comfortable life to go to a war zone, because he felt called to use his skills to help rebuild a devastated nation, and who serves as an example to the world of how compassion can move any one of us to do extraordinary things on behalf of those who may never know his name but whose lives are better because of his work." -Full Text
U.S. Ambassador Eikenberry
9-11 Tribute at U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan
Ambassador Eikenberry (Sept. 11): "The greatest tribute possible ... would be for Afghanistan ... to achieve the lasting stability and peace that has eluded it for decades. This is what we strive toward every day in this mission--an Afghanistan that can never again be used by violent extremists to plot attacks against Americans and other citizens of the world. It is what Afghans of goodwill seek as well.  Let us do everything we can to make this fitting tribute to the 9-11 victims a reality." -Full Text
Pakistan Refugees (State Depart. Image)
South Asia Trip
Deputy Secretary Lew (Sept. 11): "You leave with a great sense of that there’s much work to be done. Standing here on September 11th, having this conversation, really focuses the mind on why we’re there in the first place. We’re there because there is a risk to the United States. When you go there, you realize that the challenge of implementing the program is one that our people on the ground have a real passion to do right, and a sense of urgency of mission." -Full Text
 Description: Map of South and Central Asia
Connections to South and Central Asia
Assistant Secretary Blake (Sept. 9): "Our goal is to support the development of sovereign, stable, democratic nations, integrated into the world economy and cooperating with one another, the United States, and our partners to advance regional security and stability... We want to work with the Central Asian countries to help stabilize Afghanistan and expand political and economic opportunity in Central Asia."-Full Text
Date: 09/08/2009 Location: New York City Description: Secretary Clinton speaking at the launching of NY400 Week marking the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's Arrival in New York Harbor.  © AP Image
Our Common Values and Shared Hope
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 8): "The Netherlands sets a standard for justice and tolerance that inspires people around the world. It is a global leader in upholding international laws and promoting human rights... We’re working together as partners to address the challenges of violent extremism to champion democracy. Our troops stand and fight and die side by side in Afghanistan. Our diplomats work hand in hand and partnered – as partners in peace."
-Full Text


Pittsburgh Summit 2009Date: 06/23/2009 Description: Pittsburgh summit 2009 logo. © State Dept Image
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host the G-20 Summit Sept. 24-25. President Obama will chair this meeting of leaders from countries around the world who will review the progress made since the Washington and London Summits and discuss further actions to assure a sound and sustainable recovery from the global financial and economic crisis. -Summit Website

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Date: 09/17/2009 Location: Washington, DC Description: Alexys Garcia, Passport Operations Officer, Bureau of Consular Affairs © State Dept Image
From September 15 to October 15, we celebrate the culture, contributions, and successes of our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the United States. Alexys Garcia is a Passport Operations Officer in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services Directorate, Office of Field Operations.

Doors to Diplomacy 2010 Web Project Competition
Date: 2008-11-06 00:00:00.0 Description: Doors to Diplomacy website contest. State Dept Photo

The Department of State and the Global SchoolNet Foundation announce the 2010 "Doors to Diplomacy" award competition, recognizing the student-created Global SchoolNet Web projects that best teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. -More

Flu Updates

Since the June 11, 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of a pandemic, the new H1N1 virus has continued to spread, with the number of countries reporting cases of novel H1N1 nearly doubling. Updates about H1N1 are available through the links below.

Overseas Exchange Opportunities for Americans
Date: 08/20/2009 Description: Logo: Overseas Exchange Opportunities for Americans. © State Dept Image Each year, thousands of Americans travel abroad to take part in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs' (ECA) exchange programs. Take a glimpse at the diverse range of exchange opportunities in store for U.S. citizens. -More

EducationUSA - Your Guide to U.S. Higher Education
Date: 07/16/2009 Location: Washingtonm, DC Description: EducationUSA logo © State Dept ImageEducationUSA is a global network of more than 450 advising centers supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. -More

United We Serve
Date: 06/17/2009 Description: United We Serve. © is a new portal for you and all Americans to find ways to serve in your communities. Americans are putting their own country back on the right track: Be a part of it! Visit, choose your keyword -- "education," "environment," or whatever interests you -- type in your ZIP Code, and see what opportunities our partner organizations have in your area.
Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships
Date: 05/12/2009 Description: Virtual Student Foreign Service logo: Outline of world map in square surrounded by the words Virtual Student Foreign Service.  State Dept PhotoVirtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships, announced by Secretary Clinton at the 2009 New York University commencement speech, are part of a growing effort by the State Department to harness technology and a commitment to global service among young people to facilitate new forms of diplomatic engagement. The VSFS Internships will be developed over the next year and will seek to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.
-Register/More Information
Secretary Clinton traveled to Africa August 3 to August 14.

Click on any seal to go a larger interactive map, complete with video, photos, and the Secretary's remarks from the trip.


In 1822, the U.S. became one of the first countries to recognize the new republic and to establish a resident diplomatic mission. The U.S. Government estimates that there are 61,000 U.S. citizens living in Colombia and anywhere from 15,000-40,000 visiting Colombia in any given month. Currently, there are approximately 250 American businesses conducting operations in Colombia.
-Full Text -Read about Colombia's capital, Bogota, in State Magazine (PDF)

Date: 02/02/2001 Location: Fujiyoshida, Japan,  Description: Mount Fuji in Japan
Japan, a country of islands, extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia. About 73% of the country is mountainous, with a chain running through each of the main islands. Japan's highest mountain is the world famous Mt. Fuji (12,385 feet). Since so little flat area exists, many hills and mountainsides are cultivated all the way to the summits.
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Date: 12/29/2005 Description: The Pisa cathedral and the leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, December 29, 2005. [© AP Images] © AP Photo
Europe's Renaissance period began in Italy during the 14th and 15th centuries. Literary achievements--such as the poetry of Petrarch, Tasso, and Ariosto and the prose of Boccaccio, Machiavelli, and Castiglione--exerted a tremendous and lasting influence on the subsequent development of Western civilization, as did the painting, sculpture, and architecture contributed by giants such as da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, and Michelangelo.Full Text 

Date: 05/21/2009 Location: Medan, Indonesia. Description: An Indonesian Muslim girl checks her Facebook account at an Internet cafe. © AP Image
Indonesia's approximately 240.3 million people make it the world's fourth-most populous nation. The island of Java is the most populous island in the world and one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom apply to the six religions recognized by the state, namely Islam (86.1%), Protestantism (5.7%), Catholicism (3%), Hinduism (1.8%), Buddhism (about 1%), and Confucianism (less than 1%).
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The variety of customs, languages, and traditions among Nigeria's 250 ethnic groups gives the country a rich diversity. Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, and Kanuri are the largest groups. Nigeria is the United States' largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa, largely due to the high level of petroleum imports from Nigeria, which supply 11% of U.S. oil imports--nearly 46% of Nigeria's daily oil production. Nigeria is the fifth-largest exporter of oil to the United States.
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