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New and Noteworthy
Family Health Premiums Climb To $13,375 Annually This Year
The 2009 benchmark Kaiser/HRET Employer Benefits Survey finds premiums rose 5 percent this year at a time when overall prices fell 0.7 percent. Over 10 years, premiums jumped 131 percent, more than three times worker wages and four times inflation. A related column by Kaiser President and CEO Drew Altman examines the implications for health reform.

Health Reform Comparison Tool Now Reflects Proposal From Senate Finance Committee
The Foundation's interactive side-by-side health reform comparison tool now includes details from the proposal from the Senate Finance Committee, also known as the Chairman's Mark, which will be considered by the committee next week. With the update, the online tool allows users to compare any or all of 12 different plans.
Updated Resources on the Uninsured and Health Reform
The Foundation has published two updated documents on the uninsured: The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes and Five Basic Facts About the Uninsured. The documents, which include fresh data from the U.S. Census Bureau, were released Sept. 18 at an Alliance for Health Reform briefing that examined what the new uninsured numbers mean for health reform.
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Health Coverage In a Recession, National Health Reform Efforts, Global Health

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