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Department of Defense
Major Investments: 62  
Spending on Major Investments: $9.6 B (FY 2009)
Overall Rating
Evaluation by Agency CIO
Agency View
Investment View

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Friday, August 14, 2009
Learning from best practices
Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO

On August 7, CIOs from across the Federal government gathered to share their experiences using the IT Dashboard and to discuss how to effectively manage their agency portfolios. There was vigorous debate and lots of energy in the room – and a clear message emerged: the IT Dashboard provides a powerful new tool for agency CIOs to use. However, no tool can replace good management. Ultimately, accountability for the performance of agency IT investments rests with agency CIOs.
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Agency Updates

Monday, August31, 2009
National Science Foundation is the first agency to accurately match 100% of major investment contracts to
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
All agencies have now finished rating 100% of their major investments.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Nine agencies have now finished rating 100% of their major investments.

Note: All descriptions, dates, and costs are as reported by agencies. Major investments (Investments Evaluated) represent only a portion of the agency's entire IT portfolio reported in Exhibit 53.