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America's Road to Recovery

Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The Recovery Act is an unprecidented $787 billion package that aims to stimulate the U.S. economy, which is facing what many say is the biggest crisis since the Great Depression.


“What makes this recovery plan so important, is not just that it will create or save three-and-a-half million jobs over the next two years…it’s that we’re putting Americans to work doing the work that America needs done…in critical areas that have been neglected for too long”

- President Obama, at signing of the bill in Denver, Feb. 17, 2009


The Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, is a $700 billion program the federal government set up to allow the Treasury to buy assets from struggling financial institutions or provide direct capital injections in order to rescue the financial sector and unfreeze the credit markets. The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF, is Federal Reserve program that lets the Fed make as up as much as $1 trillion in loans for the consumer end of the market, collateralized by auto loans, student loans, and credit card accounts.

Check out our TARP page for the latest stories and videos on the government bailout program

Click on each state for more
detailed information on stimulus totals.


For the latest TARP news, check out FOXBusiness.com’s Where’s My Money?! blog.

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Connell McShane
and Jenna Lee
Weekdays at Noon ET


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