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State Health Policy

This redesigned and updated website provides the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation and budgets.

New: State Variation and Health Reform: A Chartbook
This chartbook and related interactive tables and maps present a variety of state-level economic and health care data that help illustrate the disparate impacts of potential health reform on the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
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Key Issues in Medicaid and Home and Community-Based Services and Support -- September 2009 KCMU Material
These briefs examine current issues in providing more people who need long-term care services and supports access to these Medicaid services in home and community-based settings rather than in institutional ones.
Medicaid Enrollment in 50 States: June 2008 Data Update -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This data update shows that in June 2008, 43.5 million individuals were enrolled in Medicaid in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, a 3.0 percent increase from the previous June. The increase represents a major reversal from the 0.6 percent decline from June 2006 to June 2007.
CHIP Enrollment: June 2008 Data Snapshot -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This report provides the latest data on Children's Health Insurance Program enrollment and policy trends nationally and across the states through June 2008.
Massachusetts Health Care Reform: Three Years Later -- September 2009 KCMU Material
This fact sheet describes the basic components of the landmark Massachusetts health reform law, examines how many people have gained coverage and discusses cost containment and affordability goals and implementation challenges.
Health Reform:  Lessons From Massachusetts -- September 2009 KCMU Material
Two reports and an updated fact sheet examine state-level health reform in Massachusetts and the lessons it offers for policymakers in Washington.
Express Lane Eligibility Efforts: Lessons Learned from Early State Cross-Program Enrollment Initiatives -- August 2009 KCMU Material
The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) includes new Express Lane Eligibility provisions that provide states new options to reach and enroll eligible but uninsured low-income children into Medicaid and CHIP by relying on eligibility findings from other programs, such as Head Start or Food Stamps. This brief is the first in a new series called Putting Children on the Express Lane to Health Insurance that will provide information on key issues related to implementing Express Lane Eligibility.  It discusses lessons learned from early state cross-program enrollment efforts that can inform future Express Lane Eligibility efforts.
Federal Support for Health Information Technology in Medicaid: Key Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- August 2009 KCMU Material
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) includes an unprecedented nearly $47 billion federal investment in health information technology initiatives. This e-health snapshot provides an overview of the health information technology provisions in the law that have direct implications for Medicaid.
Key Questions about Changes for Medicaid and Low-Income Individuals: HR 3200 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 -- August 2009
This brief highlights some key questions about provisions related to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and provisions that affect low-income individuals included in HR 3200, the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act 2009 (the House Tri-Committee Bill).
State Fiscal Conditions & Medicaid -- August 2009 KCMU Material
This fact sheet summarizes the relationship of Medicaid with state budgets and discusses the current fiscal situation in the states and how it is affecting Medicaid programs.
Rising Health Pressures in an Economic Recession -- August 2009 Video/Audio
Rising Health Pressures in an Economic Recession
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State Health Policy
States play a major role in the delivery and financing of health care and public health in the United States. Insurance regulation, Medicaid policy and financing of public health services, and many reproductive health policies are under state jurisdiction. States operate their own Medicaid programs within broad federal guidelines, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for low-income children, and in some cases also offer additional health care programs such as discount drug programs for seniors.

In recent years, states have been facing major budget shortfalls. These fiscal constraints have broad implications for many aspects of the health care financing and delivery system. Recent reductions to Medicaid coverage and benefit packages have been a reversal from the programs expansions of the late 1990s when states experienced unprecedented budget surpluses. State legislatures are also playing an increasingly important role in health policy, enacting legislation on issues that have been controversial and slow-moving at the national level, such as patients’ rights and reproductive health.

The Foundation’s work in state health policy cuts across nearly all of the Foundation’s policy priority areas. The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured analyzes state Medicaid and SCHIP programs, and tracks changes states are making to their Medicaid programs as a result of their deteriorating fiscal conditions. The California Health Policy Program provides information and analysis about health policy issues and key trends in the nation's largest and most diverse state. Nearly all of the Foundation’s priority areas collect and conduct analyses on state-based policies. Much of this information is presented in State Health Facts Online, a web-based interactive database, including demographic information, health insurance coverage rates, Medicaid and Medicare enrollment, spending and policies, private insurance mandates, health care financing and delivery information, as well as disease and mortality statistics.


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