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Reports and Progress
Oregon Plan 10th Anniversary
Help mark the 10th anniversary of the Oregon Plan by using the following materials.
Major projects
These projects completed during the past 10 years have significantly improved water quality and fish habitat or have helped preserve some of Oregon’s special places while also benefiting water and fish. Funding comes from the Oregon Lottery as a result of a citizen initiative in 1998, sales of salmon license plates, federal salmon funds and other sources.
Statewide and Coast-wide  
North and Central Coast
South Coast and Southwest Oregon  
Willamette Basin  
Central Oregon  
Eastern Oregon  
OWEB fund allocation by county
This document provides funding totals in seven categories for each county. A line at the bottom entitled "Statewide" includes projects with a statewide or regional focus.
Download spreadsheet

The following represent the most recently issued reports issued in connection with the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Visit the Archives page for previous versions of these reports and other background documents.
Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds 2005-2007 Biennial Report 
This is the sixth biennial report on the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. It provides an update on the accomplishments and continuing efforts of people throughout Oregon to improve and protect clean water and recover and maintain healthy populations of fish and wildlife in our watersheds.  If you would like a hard-copy of this document, please contact OWEB at 503-986-0178.
Oregon Coastal Coho Assessment (Final)
The State of Oregon and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) are engaged in a collaborative project to address the conservation of coastal coho on the Oregon Coast. The primary objectives of the project are to:
1. Assess actions under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds to conserve and rebuild coastal coho populations.
2. Use the assessment to inform NOAA Fisheries' decision on listing coastal coho under the federal Endangered Species Act in summer 2005.
3. Use the assessment as a basis to seek legal assurances for local participants.
4. Use the assessment as a foundation for developing a conservation plan for coho consistent with the Oregon Plan and the state's Native Fish Conservation Policy, as well as federal recovery guidelines.
Investments in Oregon’s Future 2003
This publication highlights the projects and people making a difference in watersheds around the state.
Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team Reports
The Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team, which advises the State on matters of science related to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, has its own website featuring technical and other reports.

Measuring Progress through Monitoring
Monitoring under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds includes documenting the current condition of watershed health, evaluating changes over time, and determining the effectiveness of actions and programs. See the Biennial Report to the Legislature, above, for the most recent overview of the status and approach to monitoring. See the Restoration resources page of this website for technical guides to implementing monitoring activities.
OWEB Monitoring and Reporting Program. The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board’s (OWEB) Monitoring and Reporting Program helps to fund the monitoring programs of other agencies, funds monitoring work through OWEB’s competitive Grant Program, and coordinates monitoring for the Oregon Plan. Senate Bill 945 directs OWEB to develop and implement a statewide monitoring program in coordination with state natural resource agencies for activities conducted under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. As a part of this work, OWEB developed the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds Monitoring Strategy document which describes an overall framework for structuring this cooperative effort and provides direction to help integrate Oregon Plan programs and monitoring with region-wide watershed enhancement and salmon recovery efforts.
DEQ Watershed and Volunteer Monitoring Programs. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) implements a Watershed Monitoring Program that collects water quality data through physical, chemical, and biological sampling and assessment, ensures the availability of accurate and complete data, and interprets data to identify water quality conditions, threats, trends, and consequences of proposed actions. It also oversees a Volunteer Monitoring Program that helps watershed councils, soil and water conservation districts, schools, and other volunteer groups collect consistent water quality measurements that fulfill volunteer monitoring goals and satisfy DEQ quality requirements.
ODFW Oregon Plan Monitoring Programs. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Oregon Plan Monitoring for Coastal Basins Program comprises a number of efforts to generate basic information on salmon populations and conditions across large geographic areas of the coast. Activities include juvenile salmon population census, stream habitat assessment, salmonid life cycle monitoring via smolt trapping, and stream health monitoring via biotic index measurement. Another program, the adult salmon spawning surveys also contributes to monitoring for the Oregon Plan.

ODF Forest Practices Monitoring Program. The Oregon Department of Forestry’s Forest Practices Monitoring Program provides scientific information for adapting regulatory policies, management practices, and volunteer efforts on non-federal forest land.
Other Monitoring Programs. Monitoring programs implemented by the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the Wild Salmon Center are additional sources of useful information related to monitoring salmon populations and watershed health in Oregon.

Page updated: November 20, 2007

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