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This Web site is a component of the SAMHSA Health Information Network.

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This Web site is a component of the SAMHSA Health Information Network.

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Campaign for Mental Health Recovery: What A Difference A Friend Makes Brochure
The opportunity for recovery from mental illness is more likely in a society of acceptance. Many Americans are misinformed about mental illness and respond negatively when confronted with a friends mental illness. According to the 2006 HealthStyles Survey conducted by Porter Novelli, fewer than one-third of adults believe a person with mental illness can recover, and about 1 in 4 adults age 18-24 believes a person with mental illness can recover. To help improve awareness about recovery from mental illness, SAMHSA and the Ad Council have developed an anti-stigma campaign, targeted to men and women 18-24 years old, which focuses on friends as a key component of mental health recovery. more...
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Culture Card: American Indian and Alaska Native: A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness
The purpose of this guide was originally to provide basic information for federal disaster responders and other federal health providers who may be deployed or otherwise assigned to provide or coordinate mental health services in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. After one year of availability to only federal employees, the value of this guide to non-federal employees who work with AI/AN communities in a variety of settings was acknowledged and the Culture Card is now available to the general public. The guide is intended to serve as a general briefing to enhance cultural competence while providing services to AI/AN communities. (Cultural competence is defined as the ability to function effectively in the context of cultural differences.) It provides basic information on common AI/AN issues. Due to the diversity of tribes in the nation, the authors suggest users keep in mind that it should be supplemented by a more specific local orientation or training provided by a member of the particular community which user of the card is preparing to interact with. This is a pocket sized guide with fold out sections that cover the following topics: About This Guide, Myths and Facts, Tribal Sovereignty, Regional Cultural Differences, Cultural Customs, Spirituality, Communication Styles, Role of Veterans and Elders, Strengths in AI/AN Communities, Health and Wellness Challenges, Self-Awareness, and Etiquette Do's and Don'ts. more...
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Characteristics of State Mental Health Agency Data Systems
State mental health agencies (SMHAs) are responsible for funding and providing mental health services to more than 6 million persons every year. The SMHAs have information technology systems that are used to identify and count mental health clients and measure system performance. However States' information technology systems vary widely in terms of the types of information collected and their ability to link data between hospitals and community mental health providers. This report reviews the current status of mental health IT in the States and their efforts to improve these crucial systems. more...
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Evidence-Based Practices: Shaping Mental Health Services Toward Recovery
The goal of Assertive Community Treatment is to help people stay out of the hospital and to develop skills for living in the community, so that their mental illness is not the driving force in their lives. Assertive community treatment offers services that are customized to the individual needs of the consumer, delivered by a team of practitioners, and available 24 hours a day. more...
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Self-disclosure and Its Impact on Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services
The stigma associated with mental illnesses is one of the most persistent problems individuals face. It is fundamental to discrimination in housing, employment, and insurance. It prevents treatment, and it impedes recovery. The research on addressing discrimination and stigma has shown that individual's attitudes improve when they have direct contact with persons with mental illnesses, when they can get to know people beyond labels and myths. more...
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The Courage to Remember: Childhood Traumatic Grief Curriculum Guide
The material presented in The Courage to Remember companion guide (CD-Rom to be published in latter 2008) represents the results of significant advances in the field of childhood traumatic grief and the unique collaboration of researchers and clinicians in academic and community settings throughout the country. This guide has been developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network using extensive expert involvement and commentary. Although the focus of these training materials is on individual work with school-age children and teens, additional information and resources are provided regarding work with young children and groups. The materials provide specific guidelines and options for interventions to (1) educate care providers about childhood traumatic grief, (2) introduce others to principles of treatment that have been identified as helpful in treating the condition, and (3) offer practitioners an opportunity to enhance their treatment skills. more...
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NASC Community Kit: What a Difference a Friend Makes CD
As a local partner in mental health anti-stigma efforts, you know the important role acceptance plays in recovery. These public service announcements (PSAs) can help. Created by SAMHSA and Ad Council, the ads encourage 18-25 year olds to be the first step in a friend's recovery. They have already been distributed to more than 25,000 public service directors around the country, but you can help spread the word locally! more...
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