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Healthy Debate: Should DoD Do More in the Way of Complementary Medicines?

The Military Health System is already using complementary treatment methods such as yoga and dog therapy to strengthen the mental well-being of wounded warriors. And the Air Force has invested heavily in the use of acupuncture to manage pain, insomnia and sinus problems.

Should DoD do more for service members and families in the way of complementary medicine? Specifically:

> Should the services continue to integrate complementary medicine for wounded, ill and injured troops?

> Should complementary treatments be used to help prepare troops for battle?

> Based on your experience, what treatments are working, which are not?

> Should complementary treatments be covered under the TRICARE benefit? 

Click here to join the debate and share your thoughts!

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Women Leaders in the MHS: Brig. Gen. Theresa M. Casey
Women Leaders in the MHS: Brig. Gen. Theresa M. Casey