Intelligent Transportation Systems
Updated September 18, 2009 2:16 PM


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Federal Initiatives Focus

Electronic Freight Management

A common Electronic Freight Management would improve the speed, accuracy, and visibility of information transfer in a freight movement, which could reap large rewards for the U.S. economy . The EFM initiative builds on a previous ITS freight operational test that focused on one domestic truck-air-truck supply chain. Read about all our major initiatives.

ITS Lesson of the Month

Ensure that privatization agreements for the management of toll lanes retain the right for the public agency to improve upon or build transportation facilities that may potentially compete with the privatized toll lanes. more >>
Add your comment. 09/15/09

ITS Benefit of the Month

Signal retiming projects in several U.S. and Canadian cities decreased delay by 13 to 94 percent, and improved travel times by 7 to 25 percent.
more >> 09/08/09